Sunday, March 30, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

I have a confession.  I am a procrastinator.  If I can wait until the last minute to do something, I will. Sometimes I procrastinate out of dread (like making that dentist appointment) or sometimes I feel like I have so much time to accomplish something, why do it now? Yes, I was the student feverishly writing her English term paper the weekend before the Monday it was due.  (Do high school students still even write term papers?)

I have another confession. I am shy. I am uncomfortable speaking in front of large groups of people.  I was a sweaty, stumbling mess every time I had to get in front of the class and be the center of attention.  It is a great challenge for me to meet new people because while I love learning about people and talking with them (I love to ask people questions!), I have a hard time going up to someone and beginning the conversation.  I have to rely completely on God’s strength to lead me into starting a conversation with a stranger.  I have to admit though, with the Lord’s help, I am getting better at coming out of my shell. 

So, being the shy procrastinator that I am, it should come as no surprise to you that I waited seven long years from when I accepted Jesus as my Savior until I made the public declaration of my faith by being baptized.  When I look back on that time in my life, I always wonder why I had waited so long.  What was I afraid of? Why did I let anything hold me back?  But you know what, God had a plan.  When God works and moves in your life, and you can see Him putting it all together, it is AMAZING! What is even more amazing is when God is not only putting things together in your life but when He is working on YOU, refining you!

When I got saved, 9/11 had occurred a few weeks beforehand (you can find my testimony here:  I started going to a church but as a new believer, I didn’t know how to connect with other believers and the whole Jesus thing was completely new to me.  I thought about baptism but always pushed aside the idea.  I couldn’t do THAT in front of a bunch of people I didn’t know! So time passed.  Years went by and I was ignoring the whispers of my heart and God’s still, small voice calling me to be baptized.

When my eyes were opened, I was finally in a place in my life where I understood what being baptized meant and that the wait was over.  Now was the time!  God’s timing is extra special though.  He’s never early or late but always right on time. 

When I came to the decision to be baptized, my husband and I were in the process of finding a new church home.  We had visited one church for a couple months and we felt like it was probably the right place for us.  I filled out the little communication card multiple times stating my desire to be baptized but no one ever called me.  That revealed to us that that church was very likely not where God wanted us to be so we moved on.  When we found another church to attend, they didn’t have a baptismal pool. I felt like I kept hitting wall after wall.  I was praying for God to guide me through this but I was starting to get frustrated.

Discouraged, I talked to my mother in law about all the road blocks I was facing. She invited me to be baptized in her church.  It just so happened to be the very same church where my husband was baptized.  This same church was also not far away from Shanksville, PA where Flight 93 had gone down.  Also the baptism was scheduled for September 14, a few days after the 9/11 anniversary. Are you seeing a theme here?  I sure was!  I accepted my mother in law’s invite and began preparing for the big day.

Did I mention that I was 5 months pregnant with my second daughter at the time?  What does a pregnant woman wear for her baptism? Plus, I was informed I needed to prepare a little something to say to the congregation before I was baptized.  Now, I was getting nervous.  My shyness, anxiety, and fear were creeping into my thoughts.  Then I found out the church broadcasted its Sunday morning service over both a local radio station AND a local TV station!

Now really, this had to be God at work.  I put off baptism and put it off, and then put it off some more!  Now it was going to be on radio AND TV!?  You know what the funny thing is? I realized it was all God’s Hand.  He wanted me to rely on Him and His Strength.  I wanted to be obedient to the call He placed on my heart to confess with my mouth to the entire world that Jesus was Lord of my life.  I needed to ignore the voices in my head telling me I couldn’t do this because I COULD do this!  I loved Jesus, now was the time!

On that September Sunday, this shy girl waddled up on to the altar.  I stood in front of the congregation and my family with sweaty hands as I held my notes.  With tears of joy in my eyes, I told my story.  I shared my testimony and my love for the Lord.  I was shaky but not out of fear, simply overwhelmed by the love for Jesus that was flowing from my heart.  Minutes later, I was dunked down into the water and came up with the biggest smile on my face.  I think there probably has never been happier, soaking wet, pregnant lady as I was that day!

A couple of weeks later, my mother in law told me that the church had gotten phone calls from people that had enjoyed hearing my story.  My testimony that Sunday reached a lot of people.  See, I told you God had a plan! He changed not only my life but used my story to touch others.

Is there something you are putting off doing? Do you feel like God is calling you do to something but you are afraid to step out and do it? Let me encourage you today.  Please don’t let fear or anything else keep you from being obedient to the Lord.  God will never call you do something and then not enable you and equip you to complete the task He has called you to.  He will strengthen you and He will keep you.  You will never regret saying, “Yes!” to God!

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” Acts 22:16 (NIV)

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