
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holding the Hand of a Friend

Several times, I have heard Pastor John or Pastor Erik talk about the kids worship in North Country at West Ridge. Since my husband is the drummer for the worship team, I have somewhat of an inside scoop and he often tells me I should pop in and experience how the kids worship. I finally took him up on his offer and sat in during kids worship one week. I sat in the back, because that’s how I do, and observed the kiddos singing praises to God. During a slower song I caught this beautiful picture that made me tear up.

I look up and see two little girls standing next to each other holding hands and swaying together. I know these sweet girls on somewhat of a personal level and as I watched them my heart was so filled with joy and I thought to myself, “This is what I want my friendships to look like!” And then I snagged a little video to share with their momma’s because I mean… come on!

I am sure I am not the only one who struggles with friendships. Especially in adulthood. When you are 9, friendships can be mostly easy. As you get older friendships get harder. Am I right? I want to be the type of friend who stands beside you and holds your hand, just because. Hand holding looks different in adult friendships though.

It looks like bringing someone a meal or watching her kiddos because she needs sleep to heal.

It looks like staying after service so she can cry with you because she isn’t sure how she can move past this hurt, the one that blind-sided her.

It looks like a coffee date in her “messy” house because she needed a listening ear or just some adult time.

It looks like ordering pizza at 10:00 at night because she had an incredibly difficult day and you are the one that understands.

It looks like a card sent in the mail just because you are thinking of her. Or a text message with that verse God gave you.

It looks like sitting with her on her floor while she sorts two weeks worth of laundry because she wants to spend time with you but… life!

Holding hands as an adult can look drastically different than at 9 years old, but the heart is just the same. The heart says I am here, right beside you, doing life and it’s a joy!

In Exodus 17 it tells the story of Moses having to hold his arms up to win a battle being fought by the Israelites. Not an easy task, such is life. I remember learning about this story in the context of friendship and it struck a chord with me. In verse 12-13 you see that Aaron and Hur come along side Moses to help him hold up his arms, they stay that way until sunset and the Israelites are victorious. Without friends like Aaron and Hur, Moses would have failed and the battle would have been lost. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful for the Aaron’s and Hur’s in my life when I just can’t hold my arms up any longer.

“By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (MSG)

I would like to leave you with this... There was a time in my life when I felt like I didn’t have these types of friendships. And maybe you are feeling that way as you read this. I would like to encourage you to ask God to send these friends to you, to reveal them to you. He did it for me. He will do it for you! 

Post by: Jimmie Lee DiIanni

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