
Friday, April 28, 2017

Cranky Pants

I was already in a hurry when I opened up my jewelry box to pick a necklace to wear before I headed out the door to run errands. I reached for one, but after second thought, I selected another. And, apparently I put my cranky pants on that morning too.  I was in a grumpy mood for sure.  A few nights of the one of my kids interrupting my sleep with bad dreams, combined with fluctuating hormones (you know what I’m talking about ladies, lol!), on top of wrapping up a week of my girls home all week from school on spring break, and I was not a happy camper.  My hopes of spending Good Friday at home, reflective on the weight what the day represented, were dashed.  Now I had to run to the store and grab a gift for a birthday party the next day.

I hurriedly said goodbye to my family and hopped into the car.  You all know, I have a habit of praying in the car.  That day was no different.  I knew as I drove that I needed to shake that bad attitude.  So as my car zipped down the road, I prayed.  I thanked the Lord for the day, for the great sacrifice made on my behalf – Jesus dying on the cross. And I asked Him to correct my attitude:  “Lord, please show me who I can bless today.  Show me who I can pray for.  Show me who I can love on and encourage. Take this crankiness away from me and replace it with joy...”

I finished up my prayers, pulled into the store parking lot, and got out of the car.  That’s when I noticed her.  She was sitting on a bench all by herself.  As I walked closer to her, I heard the whisper of the Holy Spirit, “Take your necklace off and give it to her.”

Isn’t funny how God works? I literally just finished praying to bless someone and immediately this opportunity presented itself! That didn’t mean my heart didn’t start pounding as I nervously slipped off the necklace. I held it in my (possibly sweaty, ha!) hand as I got closer to the lady on the bench.

But as I approached the woman, I heard her, speaking loudly, confidently.  She was speaking with authority.  I thought for a second that she was talking to someone on the phone.  After a closer look, I realized... She wasn’t on the phone.  She was PRAYING! Trust me when I say this lady was approaching the throne with boldness!  She was on that bench, eyes closed, pouring out her heart to her Father.

With my heart still pounding, I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, closed my eyes, and agreed with her in prayer.  When she finished and we said, “Amen.” I handed her the necklace and told her that I wanted to bless her with it.  That I wanted her to have it.  She gave me a look of gratefulness and asked me to sit next to her on the bench.

She asked me if she was praying right, if she was praying enough.  I assured her that yes, it seemed to me that she was praying just fine.  I reminded her that we should always be praying. But whenever she was able to pray, that the Lord was always happy to hear from her. Then this sweet young lady asked if she could pray for ME!

I thought for a second, “What do I need prayer for? Crankiness? That’s kind of silly to ask someone else - a stranger even - to pray about my bad mood.” But then I felt another nudge from the Lord and the words just spilled out of my mouth.

“You could pray about my mood.  I’ve been kinda cranky today and I’d rather not be.” I replied.

My new prayer partner got to work!  We held hands on that bench and closed our eyes as she began to pray for me.  Cars drove by.  I’m sure people walked by too, wondering what in the world was going on.  But it didn’t matter.  As my newfound friend thanked the Lord for setting up this “Divine Appointment”, I was so grateful I had asked the Lord for what I needed – an attitude adjustment! And I was so glad I listened to that still, small voice and been obedient to the Lord. 

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 (NKJV)

I left that “Divine Appointment” and my whole day was different!  The crankiness had disappeared and a wave of joy came over me.  I returned home to my family renewed and refreshed, excited to share with everyone what had happened.  God had totally turned around my attitude and it was amazing!

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Post by: Marcy Gates

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