
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

When Love Moves Slow

Music is something that is always in the backdrop of my life. Even as a teenager I would use song lyrics to help me get through different seasons or situations. Today, I will often listen to a song on repeat if the lyrics speak to my heart in some way. Often times another person’s art will spark my own creativity and allow me to put words to something that I couldn’t before. This post is one of those moments…

My faith is not a fire
As much as it’s a glow
A little burning ember
In my weary soul
And it’s not too much
It’s just enough to give me hope
Because your love moves slow
Yeah, your love moves slow
So I move slow
Because you move slow
Love moves slow
Let’s move slow

- Audrey Assad, "Slow"

We live in what some might call a microwave culture. We are accustomed to instant gratification and we want nothing less. I grew up with a similar attitude. I took piano lessons when I was younger. I liked piano. I wanted it to sound beautiful when I played. But, I didn’t want to put in the long hard hours of practice. I wanted the end result, without the discipline.

Recently I have come to the realization that I tend to approach life the same way. When watching a movie or reading a book, if the story line is too slow, I get distracted or busy doing something else. One corner of my bathroom is painted while the rest is left undone. I start an exercise plan only to throw it out the window in a week when I don’t see results on the scale. I want the end result, without the discipline.

If I am honest, I tend to approach my relationship with God much the same way. I want the end result, without the discipline. Can you relate?

Sometimes, the Father’s love moves slow. And if I am rushing to the end, trying to get all the answers, spinning and twirling to come out on top, I’m going to miss it. Kind of like the DJ changed the tune to Etta James’ At Last (my favorite) and I am still doing the Electric Slide!

When He moves slow, I want to move slow too. I don’t want to give into my microwave instincts of instant gratification, impatiently thinking that nothing is going on. God is in all of the details. It may seem slow to us, but God IS moving. The details matter to Him.

Our love story with God lasts forever and forever is a long time.

I am not who I was, I didn’t come this far on my own and it didn’t happen overnight. He is working it all out for the good of those who love Him, for the faithful and steadfast.

Recently, I have been feeling a shift from God. I have been feeling His whisper to slow down, to let the Holy Spirit lead this dance. I get frustrated and weary when I try to do it all on my own. But, when I purposely slow down, I can hear His voice more clearly. Then I am able to see Him in the details, right where He has been all along. 

Slowing down might look different for all of us. It could look like cutting back on the amount of hours you work, or saying “No” to a full weekend. It could look like incorporating a purposeful Sabbath or cutting out social media. Maybe there is one area God is asking you to focus on like family, serving, or ministry. Sometimes it could just be getting quiet before the Lord and allowing Him to minister to you.  

So if you are in a season of waiting, of slowness, or quiet, look for those embers of hope. Look for God in the details. He is waiting there with you. We don’t have to live our lives trying so hard all the time. We can rest in Him.

"You’re my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me." (Psalm 119:114 MSG)

Does this resonate with you? Do you feel as if you are rushing to the finish line like this race is a sprint rather than a marathon? Have you felt the whisper to move slow, letting God take lead? Let His Word wash over you with mercy and grace. Amen!

Post by: Jimmie Lee DiIanni

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