
Monday, May 23, 2016

Bloom Spotlight - Felicia Bruck

Today our Bloom/West Ridge Women’s Spotlight is on a very familiar face!  You probably know her at West Ridge from her beautiful voice, singing on the stage with the Worship Team…  I’m talking about the lovely Felicia Bruck! Worship is not Felicia’s only passion at West Ridge though.  The Bloom Ministry is overjoyed to announce that Felicia will be taking over leadership of the Encourage Ministry!  So take a minute or two and read on as we get to know Felicia and her heart for this amazing ministry that is all about encouraging and supporting moms-to-be!

Felicia lives in Hopewell with her husband, Tristan.  They are parents to an adorable daughter, Savannah, who recently celebrated her first birthday.  They also share their home with their labradoodle, Polar Bear.  In addition to being a wife and mother, Felicia works full-time outside the home as a pharmacist. 

While pregnant with Savannah, Felicia signed up for the Encourage Ministry.  During her pregnancy, she received support and encouragement from her coach.  Following Savannah’s birth, meals were coordinated by the ministry and delivered to her as well as a gift of diapers and wipes.  I think most moms can remember what a wonderful blessing it was to have a friend or loved one show up at your door with a hot meal when you were sleep deprived, emotional (hormones!), and in the first days home with a new baby ; )  And if you haven’t had that blessing, let me just say… It’s amazing!

After her baby arrived, Felicia realized her heart had taken a turn.  Not only did she desire to serve on the worship team but she was developing a heart for the women who were in the very same shoes she was in only months earlier. She was drawn to new moms and wanted to connect with them, sharing all she had learned from her pregnancy and from the ladies who had poured into her God’s truth and love during that precious time.  Led by the Lord, Felicia signed up to serve within the Encourage ministry as a coach.

It has been said that every pregnancy and baby are different. And that is so true…  Felicia discovered that the reality of motherhood was very different than what she had expected and what she saw other new moms around her experiencing.  In the stressful and challenging times, she reached out to her family and friends.  She was blown away by the outpouring of love.  She understood the value of the support she received, not only as a new mom but during her pregnancy too. Felicia knew how blessed she was by it.  But she also recognized there were some moms who were on their own in that area.  It was there that she realized she wanted to pass that support and love on to other women and her heart for the Encourage ministry grew.  Felicia shared, “As a leader and as a volunteer in the group, just to see the appreciation from the mom’s heart is so rewarding.  You know that you are helping, but to just feel that is so great!  Plus it is a chance to be a part of a birth story! To be a part of that child’s life before they are even born. To be praying over that child before they are born.  And to be speaking life over that mom before she becomes a “mom”!  It is just one of the greatest privileges that can ever be given.”

As leadership of the Encourage ministry transitions from Shannon Harsh, to Felicia, there is excitement about what God has in store and a sense of gratitude for the foundation that Shannon helped to set in place.  Felicia says, “This ministry is really more than just bringing meals to new moms.  It’s really about having people come alongside a pregnant mom and lead them, guide them, letting God speak through you to that mom.  Our big goal right now is just to encourage people to get involved and to know that there is a role for them in this ministry.”  From coaches to meal takers to prayer warriors to post-partem support, there is a place for everyone to get involved.  Felicia adds, “There are so many ways to be a part of this ministry.  We just love moms and babies!  If you love moms and babies too, we’d love to have you join us!”  Commitment for this ministry can range from just one day to a year, it really is up to you and how the Lord is leading you.

We can’t end our time getting to know Felicia without having her answer the Super Six questions!!!  Here we go…

1. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl!

2. What was the last book you read? “Beauty By the Book: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You” by Nancy Stafford

3. What is your favorite way to relax? Taking a bath by candlelight or maybe rocking in my rocking chair on my porch.

4. What would you have for the perfect meal? My husband’s chicken parmesan, spaghetti, salad, lots of garlic toast and chocolate anything for dessert!

5. What is your favorite Scripture to meditate on in times of stress? “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

6. What is your favorite thing about West Ridge? It’s home and a family!

If you would like to become a part of the Encourage Ministry Team, contact Felicia today at

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