
Monday, March 3, 2014

Teachable Moments

I love a good nap.  Unfortunately, they are very few and far between for me.  Peyton, my little girl, gets to take a nap every day.  In fact, it has its own specific time! A nap is scheduled into each day for her.  Most moms I know eagerly look forward to their child’s nap time.  It gives us a chance to catch up on all those things we couldn’t accomplish with a toddler under foot.

Sadly though, in my house nap time has reached the point where naps now become a test of wills.  The other day Peyton was trying everything she could to avoid taking a nap.  First, she wanted socks on, and then she decided she didn’t want socks on.  Then she needed to hold onto a special stuffed animal from across the room.  Next, she wanted to go potty.  Of course, after you go potty you must wash your hands, which for a two year old is a major production in and of itself. 

Finally, we got to the point of being right beside my little one’s bed.  Peyton gave me a kiss and a hug, and then climbed in bed.  But then her pillow was flat and needed fluffed.  After that her blankets weren’t “right”. So they had to be rearranged.  Delay, delay, delay.

By now, I’m really ready for this little girl to go to sleep.  We had a long morning and all this stalling was wearing the tiny bit of patience I had left very thin, very fast! I was trying to stay one step ahead of Peyton but she just kept throwing out excuse after excuse.

When Peyton got out of her bed and asked to go wash her hands AGAIN, I reached my breaking point.  I begged her to get back into her bed and she vehemently REFUSED. Then in my desperation, I said out loud, “Jesus, please help me! Jesus, give me strength.”

Peyton stopped her complaining and got very quiet.  She looked at me and said in a small voice, “Jesus isn’t here.  He’s in the desert.” At that very moment, all my stress of trying to get this precious one to sleep melted away. I felt a peacefulness overtake me.  I looked at my sweet baby and smiled.

“Oh honey, Jesus IS here! He is with us now and he is living in our hearts.” I told her as I looked into her little eyes.  Peyton gave me a big smile, gave up her nap time battle and lay back in her bed.  I was silently praising God that she decided to take a nap.

I am thankful for that teachable moment that day.  Not only could I assure Peyton that Jesus is with us, but I was reassured of that myself.  I was reminded also that whatever desperate or stressful or bleak situation I am in, that I need to call on the name of Jesus.  When I need a full measure of patience, I need only look to my Savior for help. 

Sometimes, you can take every precaution to prepare for a situation and still, it doesn’t go as you want it to.  It can be as small as trying to get your child to take a nap but isn’t that true for the larger problems in life too? We can save money for a possible job loss, take care of our bodies to prevent sickness, etc.  But even when you think you have control of the situation, it can take a tailspin and you realize you need the help and strength of our Savior. 

Jesus is with us.  Call on the Name of the Lord.  He will help you, strengthen you, and show you the way.  What are you facing today? Have you called out to Jesus for help?

“But I call to God, and the Lord saves me.  Evening, morning, noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” Psalm 55:16-17 (NIV)

“And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 (NIV) 

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