
Monday, February 17, 2014


Ever have one of those items on your to-do list that you just want to get over and done with?  For me this cold February morning, it was to go to the DMV to get my new driver’s license picture.  You’ve heard all the jokes about the lines and complaints about the staff, so I was dreading making the trip there.  Plus, for us ladies, there is the added pressure of looking nice, so you aren’t stuck with an ugly driver’s license for the next four years!  I think we all can say there has been one version of our driver’s license picture, we’d like to forget.  (I am thinking of myself, 18 year old Marcy with my Sun-In, Aqua Net, circa 1994 hair-do!)

After getting the kids and husband out the door to school, I busied myself with hair, makeup, etc.  I carefully chose my outfit from the waist up.  I’ll be seeing this shirt for the next 4 years, I better love it.  (Again, thinking of 18 year old me with my Elvis t-shirt and gold rope chain necklace!) Finally, I was ready to warm up my husband’s car.  It has been so cold I said a quick prayer that his car would start for me.  He took my mini-van so his car was my only option.  When the engine caught, I said a quick “Amen!” But then I saw the gas gauge…  EMPTY!!!  Oh no! I am in a hurry! I do not have time to stop and get gas. I have got to go and get to the DMV before they get really busy and the kids need picked up from school!

After letting the car warm up a minute, I headed off to the closest gas station I could find, disgruntled and complaining the entire two minute drive.  I got stuck at the red light, which didn’t help much either.  I pulled in to the gas station, next to a pump and put my gloves on.  I braced myself for the cold and got out of the car.

While filling up the tank, I heard two ladies across from me who seemed friendly, yelling at each other.  Yelling in a good way of course! It was loud with all the noise from other cars and trucks but I couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.  The first lady told her friend she missed seeing her.  To which the second lady replied, “I’ve been sober for 237 days now!” Her friend sounded genuinely happy for her, “That’s great to hear! I’ve stopped smoking for a year now!” As the two friends congratulated each other, God spoke to my heart and I immediately knew exactly why I was at that place, at that very time.  God wanted me to pray for those women!

As I stood next to my car and the cold wind blew against my face, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to pray for these two strangers.  I thanked God for the one lady’s sobriety, prayed for strength for her, for continued success in staying sober, and for her heart to be softened toward Jesus if she was unsaved.  Then I prayed for her non-smoking friend.  Once again, I thanked God for her quitting smoking, strength to not smoke in the future, to see all the money she has saved by not smoking, for her good health, and also for her to know Jesus if He wasn’t already dwelling within her. 

Can I tell you as I stepped back into my car I was no longer worried about getting anywhere in a hurry? I smiled the entire trip to the DMV, the ONE minute I waited for my turn, as the very nice lady took my picture, and as that very same nice lady handed me my new license and told me what a nice picture I had taken!

I cannot promise you that every detour in life will turn out like this but sometimes, we need to be aware that life’s detours may not really be detours at all.  Listen for the still, small voice of the Lord.  Be obedient to Him and let Him lead you!  

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