
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Keep Going!

So, this past August I ran a 5K…it was my very first 5K in 10 years, and not just normal years…years of either being pregnant or breastfeeding.  No joke.  In my pre-kid era, I loved to run and actually went to the gym…yikes, it’s been even longer since I’ve been in a real gym!!!  I digress…lol.

The day of the race came and I started feeling a bit unprepared.  I mean, I had trained…as much as one that has 4 young kids and a part time job can.  I had a goal set.  I wanted to run the whole thing, without walking and under a certain time.  

It was pretty crazy what happened during the race. There were 4 pretty specific things that I remember the Lord depositing in my spirit during the race, and I thought I would share with all of you :) 

1.  Do it, even if you’re alone or scared.
You see, I was going to be running this race with a dear friend of mine…someone to encourage me, run next to me when I was tired, to laugh together with when we both got passed up by people much older than us…lol.  But, unfortunately, she got sick and wasn’t able to run that night.  

2.  There will be people along the way to encourage you!
 And there were.  There were people cheering me on from the sidelines, my family along with others I had never met before.  Conversations were had that I may have never had before with other runners.  

3.  You can encourage others, even if you’re just a beginner.
Toward the end of the race, when things got hard. It was super-hot and at one point there was a STRONG sewer smell. I realized that I could still encourage others.  Even though I was struggling and needed some encouragement myself…I could choose to focus my attention on others and encourage them.  Even though I was a beginner.

4.   It may be hard to keep going full speed ahead when you don’t know what’s coming next…but keep going!
To run full speed, not knowing the course.  Not knowing if a steep hill is coming or some terrible smell that will make you hold your breath for a time.  (Have I mentioned the smell?!?!)  Not knowing where the finish line is or exactly how much further you have to go.

All of the above speaks volumes to me about our spiritual walk.  We’re all on this journey, this walk of faith…and some of us, we’re having to do it alone.  We thought we had someone to walk with us through this life, but turns out…for one reason or another…we’re alone.  If that’s you, be encouraged…and keep walking this faith journey!  Do it, even if you’re alone and even if you’re scared.  It’s so, so worth it.  And really, you’re not alone…God is right there with you every step of the way.  His Holy Spirit is in you…yes, IN you…to guide and direct and comfort.  There truly is no greater gift.

For this very reason, God gave us the church.  If you’re plugged into a life giving church, there will be people along the way to support, love, and encourage you.  And if you’re not…find one!!!  If you don’t know where to start, email us and tell us where you live.  We may be able to hook you up with the name of a church in your area to check out!  

Even though you are going through a hard season in life, or maybe you’re new to this whole faith journey…you can still encourage others!  You can breathe life into other people despite your circumstances, and in turn it will breathe more of Christ into you.  

In life, the hills get steep and the valley’s, they can be LOW.  The pits we may find ourselves in…may feel like they don’t have enough air to breathe.  From this 5K I learned, even though we don’t know exactly what is coming next…what lies ahead or exactly when the season is going to be over…God knows.  And…let me let you in on a little secret…He already has the victory.  Did you see that?  VICTORY.  Yes, that’s right…He already has the VICTORY, so that means YOU already have the victory!!!!  When you know the God of the entire universe goes ahead of you and fights your battles for you, there is no need to fear what’s next.  

So, KEEP GOING!!!  FULL SPEED AHEAD…knowing, you already have the victory, in Jesus!

Now, go on…run your race…with full confidence in the One who has full confidence in you.

 "Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!" Hebrews 12:1-3 (MSG)

Post by: Jennifer Goebbel
To read more from Jennifer, visit her blog at: Striving No More


  1. Ahhhhhh!!!! I love this post for like 15,000 reasons!!! ❤️❤️❤️ You're the best little buddy! Love your guts...and timing!
