
Thursday, March 2, 2017

At His Feet

I’m going to share something a bit personal with you.  I am not fond of feet.  Oh sure, a newborn’s feet are precious.  Tiny little footprints inked onto a birth announcement – adorable!  But aside from babies, I’m not a fan.  And if you are a dude, don’t even show me your latest flip flops, showcasing your manly toes – eeek!!!  No thank you!!!  In fact, I’m not even very happy with my OWN feet these days.  The only thing my tootsies have seen is the inside of my fluffy, soft socks!  My poor toes are in need of a pedicure, desperately. 

So when I would read emails or articles mentioning being “at His feet”, I would usually think, “Ugh... feet!”

One day though, I was reading Beth Moore’s book, “The Beloved Disciple”.  It showcased the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 13:23), John.  John was a fisherman when Jesus found him.  He was one of the sons of Zebedee who jumped out of his boat along with his brother, James, and followed Jesus.  John and James were nicknamed by Jesus the “Sons of Thunder”. (Side note, how awesome of a nickname is that? Sons of Thunder?! Don’t tell me Jesus does not have a sense of humor.)

Listen, don’t get me wrong, Jesus loved His disciples, not just John alone.  But in the Book of John, this is how John is referenced multiple times – the disciple whom He loved.  And as you read through the Book of John, you will see, there was a different bond between Jesus and John than that of which the other disciples had. 

What sticks out most to me is how Jesus and John were so close.  John was so at ease with Jesus that at the Last Supper, he leaned back against Jesus and questioned (at Peter’s urging) who it would be that would betray Him (John 13:23-25).  Later at the cross, Jesus entrusts the care of His mother to John, telling him that she was now John’s mother and John, now Mary’s son (John 19:25-27).  That’s not a responsibility that one would just shrug off to any old person.

I began to think, “Man, that is how close I want to be with Jesus.”  I want to be so close that I can lean in to Him, ask Him anything, and hear every word He says.  Every single word. But I question, “What is stopping me?”

So this brings me back to feet.  Specifically, the feet of Jesus.  There are quite a few instances where Jesus and “feet” come together in the New Testament.  The sick were brought to His feet for healing (Matt. 15:30).  The sinful woman who wet His feet with her tears, wiping them with her hair, and then kissing and perfuming them (Luke 7:38).  Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to Him while annoying her sister, Martha, who chose to toil away in the kitchen (Luke 10:39).  Jesus washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:5). There’s more, but I think you get the idea.

This made me wonder, was I shying away from the feet of Jesus? What was keeping me back, at a distance? Then I realized what it was.  Fear.  Fear of what I might hear.  Fear of being so close, so deeply intimate with my Lord.  Fear of ugliness.  Not my Savior’s, but my own.

You see, when you sit at someone’s feet, there’s a closeness, an intimacy that is established.  At the feet, there is no hiding.  At the feet, you can hear what the person is saying distinctly. At the feet, you are humbling yourself, bowing low, and becoming a servant.  At the feet, love flows. 

I decided that I was no longer going to let fear get in the way of what I loved – my Jesus.  I was no longer going to shy away from His feet, keeping Him at an arm’s length.  Oh no.  I’m all in.  I’ve chosen to push past that fear and lean in.  I want to hear Him clearly.  I want to serve Jesus and love Him.   I want to share in that same closeness that John did.  That amazing relationship filled with intimacy and unending love.

My friends, don’t you? Are you finding yourself sitting at His feet these days or shying away?  Are you leaning in or pushing away?

Ladies, let’s choose to be at the feet of Jesus, here and now!  Let’s follow the example of Mary from Luke 10:39 and allow everything else to melt away for a bit and focus in on Jesus.  Press in and listen.  The Teacher wants to share precious words with you today.  Will you join me as I sit... at His feet?

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41 (NIV)

Post by: Marcy Gates

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