
Monday, February 29, 2016

Let the Sunshine In

I went from room to room with a bounce in my step that bright morning, stopping at each and every window.  There was a huge smile on my face as I carefully twisted open the mini-blinds.  Beautiful, glorious sunshine began to pour in. You have no idea how my heart gets giddy in the glow of the sun!  The warmth!  The light!  Sunshine instantly brightens up any room. And it’s different than just turning on a lamp or overhead light.  It penetrates.  It is hard to keep out.  It changes things.  Sunshine causes growth (hello daffodil shoots!) and brings life!

My heart did a little dance in the sunshine for a moment but then my eyes focused on the windows.  More specifically, the dust laden mini-blinds covering the windows.  Then my gaze shot around the room.  There was a ceiling fan with dust-lined blades.  Spider webs in the corners of the room where wall meets ceiling. The smudges and scrapes on the baseboards from carelessness.  All the dog hair that desperately needed vacuumed!

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I like things neat, orderly, and clean. The girls’ toys are put away at the end of the day.  Messes are tidied up.  Bathrooms are clean – usually, lol!  But, there are other household clean-ups where I just can’t seem to get it together. Those jobs somehow get overlooked.  And I think it is because I can’t really see what needs cleaned.  I mean, sure, I can assume that if I haven’t dusted and polished around the house in a while, dust bunnies will take up residence. But isn’t it a shock to really see things in the true, bold, bright LIGHT?!

Do you say these things to yourself like I do??
  • I just cleaned that!
  • How did I let this happen?!
  • Are other people are sneaking their dirty laundry into the baskets while we are not home?!
  • We must be the dirtiest people on the planet! How can there be so much dust?!
  • No one will be going ________  (insert area here – upstairs, downstairs, in the closet, etc.) anyway so don’t worry about cleaning it!

However, seeing a room bathed in brilliant sunlight changes everything.  Doesn’t it?  And you know what, that made me realize… Seeing our HEARTS bathed in brilliant “SON-SHINE” changes everything too!

Think about your heart for a minute.  Sure it looks just fine at first glance.  But, what happens when you allow the full light of Jesus to completely engulf it?  Do you notice some cobwebs?  Is there a dusty spot or two? Some areas you have ignored?  Maybe a few hurts that you need to allow His Light to penetrate and heal?

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 (NIV)

Nothing can hide in the brilliance of light.  And I don’t know about you, but I want Christ’s light to shine brightly in me and from me!  I want to see if there is an area that maybe I haven’t fully released to Him yet.  I want to allow His grace and love to transform those little corners of my heart that may have been neglected.   I need His light to shine on the areas where forgiveness is needed.  I want to live life in the “SON-SHINE”! Don’t you??

Ever mess up and feel like, “I just told myself I wasn’t going to do that!” Or maybe you have closed off a part of yourself out of hurt and figure, “I am shutting the door on that part of my heart. I will lock it away so I don’t get hurt again.” Or perhaps you have let some of the sneaky lies of the enemy slowly work their way into your heart.  You may not have even really realized it until Jesus shone His light and you truly saw for the first time in a while what had tried to take hold.

Sweet friend, let’s allow that “SON-SHINE” to pour in today as if we were opening up the blinds on the windows of our hearts.  Let that glorious LIGHT penetrate your heart, warming you with its brilliance and glow!  Don’t be afraid of what you might see. Don’t shy away from recognizing a little dust or cobwebs.  That magnificent, life-changing light is so worth it…

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46 (NIV)

Let’s pray…

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being the light in my life!  Thank You for lighting up my heart with Your mercy, grace, and love! Jesus, I don’t want any nook or cranny of my heart to escape Your brilliant light!  Reveal to me now what areas may still be in need of healing.  I invite You into those areas that are in desperate need of Your restoration and care.

If there is a sin, Jesus, that I have not brought before You yet, open my eyes to it so that I may bring it to You right now for forgiveness. If there is a grudge I have been holding on to, shine Your light on it Lord. Lead me in relinquishing it and lavishing forgiveness on others just as You have lavished forgiveness on me!

Jesus, if there is a lie I have been believing, shine Your glorious light on it and melt it away.  I pray that I would remember that by Your blood I am forgiven, loved, and set free.  I am forever Yours.  Allow Your grace to flow through my heart and clear out anything I have been holding on to that does not line up with You and Your Word.

I ask too Jesus, please guide me in shining Your light brightly wherever I may go.  May I be like a city on a hilltop shining brightly in the darkness of this world.  May I lead others to You and point them to Your glorious light! It is in Your Mighty Name I pray Jesus…  Amen!

Post by: Marcy Gates

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