
Monday, June 8, 2015

To the Graduating Class of 2015...

Graduation season is upon us! Some are graduating from high school, some college and others graduate or doctorate school! Some, maybe for the first time, others maybe the second time. Some, may have the next 10 years all planned out. Others may not have a plan at all. Some may have great expectations of how their life is about to play out. Others may be happy to make it to next week. But one thing is for sure, these graduates are about to embark on a whole new world! So what is the one piece of advice I have for these beautiful women about to step into their future? Keep reading to find out because no matter where you are at on this journey, you can relate to what I'm about to say…

I actually don't have just one, I have two frames of advice but they go hand in hand!

1. Stay True to Who You Are. 
Make decisions based off what you want. What do you think will bring you happiness? Be level headed and listen to what God has for you, of course! But, don't make your decisions based off what you think other people want you to do. Don't makes decisions based off willy-nilly thoughts or whims that seem good at the time. 

Try really hard to picture your life down the road and ask what is going to make you happy. If you want to be a television producer because you think Robert Morris University's studio is pretty cool, envision what that would truly look like for you and if it fits in to everything else you want in life. If you decide you want to help others, ask yourself, how many ways can I make a difference in someone's life? Then pick one that matches your personality. (Oooh, side note: Learn as much as you can about your personality!!! It will help you, I promise!) Really, just spend some time talking it out with God and make decisions based off what God is calling you to and what you actually want rather than what you think other people want from you.  Stay true to who you are. 

2. Remember Who You Are.
I will be the first to tell you, there's a high probability life won't go as planned. Oh you think it will. You think you have it all figured out. But let me just put my arm around you and loving tell you, "You don't.” And then let me pat you right there on the shoulder and tell you "It all works out. And it is beautiful.”  

When you question if you made the right decision (and you will – probably late at night when you are trying to sleep!), remember who you are. When life knocks the wind out of you with the unexpected, remember who you are. When you feel like the world is bombarding you with all of its lies and distractions, remember who you are. When it seems like no one is in your corner, remember who you are.  Or if you are sitting on top of the world and getting some glory, remember who you are. Even if you have to wake up and tell yourself every morning, remember who you are! There will be times when those around you won't know how to remind you, so dear one, remind yourself everyday of who you are. 

You are madly loved by the Creator of the universe!
You are chosen.
You are made in the image of God.
You are beautiful.
You are Holy, Righteous and Redeemed!
You have a spirit of love and a sound mind!
You are filled with the Holy Spirit!
You have been given love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
You are a daughter of the Most High King!
You are seated in Heavenly places.
You were not made for this world!
You are not your own because you, beautiful girl, belong to Jesus! 
You were bought at a high price!

I leave you with these two verses to get you started. Always take it back to the simple things, God! Take those first steps on this new journey with Him, arm in arm with your Father in Heaven. 

“My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well-constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that’s not the way of Christ. Everything of God gets expressed in him, so you can see and hear him clearly. You don’t need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without him. When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything.” Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭6-10‬ (MSG)‬‬‬‬‬

“I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.” Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭19-21‬ (MSG)‬‬


With Love, 

Jimmie Lee

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