
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Royal Mess or Royalty?

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different” - C.S. Lewis 

When I consider many things in life, I find a common thread among them all and that is, process. Most things in life have to go through a process to get to an end or a level of completion. The process typically takes time. Some, more time than others, but time is always part of the deal. It takes time to become something. 

In our culture, we don’t like waiting. We are almost trained to want things ‘right now!’ We get impatient, frustrated, bored, or angry. I am guilty of all of these things and as much as I try to have patience, often times I do not. I get especially frustrated when I don’t understand why I am going through the process, why it is taking too long, or when the results are not what I envisioned. I try to control things or rush them. In the past I would give up or run from the process of becoming. Can you relate to these things? 

I will admit, rarely was my first reaction to trust God. 

And when I choose that way. When I choose to take my eyes off of Jesus and put things into my own hands, I royally mess things up. So now not only is the process hard or confusing, it’s messy. And I get messy.

If there is one thing I have learned from messing up the process because I don’t want to wait, it is that God ALWAYS works everything out for the good of those who love him! (Romans 8:28)

“Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.”- Rick Warren

Remember I said I would run from becoming? In those days, I would picture God up there wagging his finger at me with his angry face on. Then I would feel like a failure. Like I had to make up for the mess I just made. 

More recently God has shown me in a grand way that he’s not up there with his angry face on. No, not all. In those messy times when I feel like a royal failure, God is right beside me. He is there next to me, loving me through it all. He is there next to me saying, “Sweet daughter, please stop trying to control this. Trust me. Rest in Me.” And then He wraps His arms around me like only a father can comfort his daughter. In that moment I remember, I am not a royal mess, I am a royal princess! 

Dear sisters, the process isn’t always easy or understood but when you keep your eyes on Jesus and you trust Him for your comfort, guidance, and wisdom then the process is so much sweeter. Turning the page can be a beautiful thing! 

“You may not always end up where you thought you were going. But you will always end up where you are meant to be.” -Unknown

Post by: Jimmie Lee

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