
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Friend Loves at All Times

The tagline on the Facebook post caught my attention first, “Do You Fit the Profile of the Average Christian Woman?”  Ooh!!! That peaked my interest! I immediately clicked onto the blog post, ready to tackle some kind of questionnaire.  (What is it with us ladies and answering questions?  I love to ask them and answer them. Even better if it is multiple choice with an assessment at the end!)

But as I read through the article, it described me (tired mom, lol!) and just about every other woman you could imagine walking through the church doors.  From old to young and every stage and circumstance of life.  It was a great reminder that we ALL are LOVED.  And it reminded me too of what we are all here for. 

Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God but He also said that to love others was second.  By the time I reached the end of that blog post, my heart ached.  All sorts of emotions were stirred.  Am I loving others?  Am I being a good friend?

Sometimes I hold back. I let that little voice in my head talk me out of saying hello to the new lady I see in church or at the preschool pick-up line.  I’ll think, why would she want to talk to me?  Why did I say that? Am I even interesting enough to hold a discussion with? Is there something in my teeth? These jeans make me feel fat. So and so is so cute and put together, why can’t I look like that when I walk out of the house?  I’ll just stay over here…

But I need to remember to tell that voice to be silent.  I need to listen to the still, small voice of God whispering from my heart, “She needs you to say hello.” Or, “You need to pray with her right now.” Because that is really the only voice that matters.  That is the voice that tells you to open your heart and share life with others, to love them.

Ladies, we cannot do life on our own.  When we reach out to each other, there is a balance in it all.  We need each other.  The single lady wondering if Mr. Right will ever come along needs the advice of the lady who has been there too, encouraging her that God has a great plan for her life.  The brand new momma needs to hear from the mother of three that yes, it will get better, God’s grace is sufficient for you, and you will sleep through the night again (but not for at least the next five years – trust me on this). The widow who goes to work and comes home to an empty house needs to know she is welcome and wanted by friends who smile at her when she comes their way, that she is very precious in the sight of the Lord.

We all can relate to feeling like we are not enough.  We all know what it is like to struggle.  Though the specific struggle may be different, the answer is the same for all of us.  Jesus.  He wants us to love Him and He wants us to love each other.

So, do you fit the profile of the average Christian woman?

“Jesus, replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)

“A friend loves at all times…” Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)

Post by: Marcy 

If you are interested in reading the post that inspired this one, please visit:

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