
Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Lies Our Hearts Believe

“No one will ever love you the way I do.” Ladies, has a guy ever laid that line on you? If you have ever heard those words, did it make your heart skip a beat? Did a wave of panic overcome you, scared at the thought of being alone?

My younger sister and I were catching up the other day.  She was filling me in on the ups and downs of being a single, thirty-something woman.  Relationships are tough to establish these days.  And once you find yourself in one, sometimes they can be even tougher to maintain.  Often, you are just so happy to not be alone anymore, that you will compromise or stick around even when it may not be the healthiest of situations.

My sister’s stories reminded me of a lie that took hold of my heart for a brief time, long ago. I was not the best at relationships in the past.  I was awful at them. I seemed to always pick Mr. Wrong.  More often than not, I would pick Mr. Very Wrong.  I was drawn to controlling, manipulative men.  I stayed in relationships long past when I should have bailed.  There was a part of me that was afraid to be alone and another part of me that just wanted to be loved.  It didn’t matter if the “love” or attention I was getting was unhealthy or not.

Near the end of one of those unhealthy relationships, I actually had my boyfriend at the time say to me, “No one will ever love you the way I do.” For a millisecond, my heart stopped.  I had a life of loneliness flash before my eyes.  I allowed that lie to take hold.  My heart believed it.  Even after I finally ended the relationship, that lie still stuck with me.  After every bad date I had, those words would hit me all over again.

Not long after that relationship ended, I got saved.  I accepted Jesus as my Savior and my whole world changed.  My outlook on life and love was different.  That’s when I realized, my ex-boyfriend’s words, were in a way, true!

No one will ever love me the way he did.  Jesus loves me more!  Jesus loves me better!  Jesus loves me in a way no person on this earth could ever love me.  The love our Savior has for us is pure, true, and perfect.  Christ’s love for us is wide, long, high, and deep (Ephesians 3:18). 

So now I ask you, what lie (or lies) is your heart believing today? Have you been told you aren’t smart enough? What about not pretty enough? Were you told, like me, that no one would ever love you like a certain person does? How about, I can’t do this or that because of my past?  God can’t use someone like me.

I want to encourage you right now... that lie that has settled in your heart, release it. It is a lie. You are the apple of God's eye!  You are smart, beautiful, talented, and God most certainly can use you!  Don’t forget that God does not call the equipped; He equips those He has called!

Open up your heart to Jesus.  He knows your hurts.  He knows what lies are holding you down or keeping you back.  Allow Him to open your eyes and see the TRUTH!  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

“Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame.  Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.  You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.  For your Maker is your husband — the Lord Almighty is his name — the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.” Isaiah 54:4-5 (NIV)

Ladies, we love you and are here for you! Please email with questions or prayers.  


  1. When some one says "No one will ever love you like I do" Renounce and cancel that statement. Words have power. We believe what God's Word says. When we seek Him we will gain discerment and will be empowered to avoid becoming victims of potential abusers and the tactics of the enemy of our souls seeking to foil God's destiny for us. Jer 29:11 Praise God you did not fall for it and are walking in the Lord! Sadly there are many wounded in the Church and out of the Church who need help to recover from many areas and lies of the enemy.


  2. Thanks Gail! We agree that God's Word is the TRUTH. We are passionate about helping women find their freedom and identity in Christ! Thank you for reading : )
