
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

West Ridge Women - Spotlight #3

Our West Ridge Women Spotlight today is on the lovely Pastor Kathryn Loucks.  Kathryn is the Kids Director of North Country, our children’s ministry at West Ridge.  In addition to North Country, Kathryn also heads up the Kingdom Life Ministry and oversees the Financial Peace classes. Recently, I sat down with Kathryn to chat about the many hats she wears for West Ridge.

Kathryn lives in North Fayette with her husband, Dave, and daughter, Taylor.  They all share the home with a neurotic, fluffy dog named Patch.  Kathryn lives not too far from West Ridge and grew up in the area.

Kathryn was raised in a very loving, Christian home.  She was led to Christ by her parents when she was very young.  Kathryn recalled, “I think I said the sinner’s prayer with my mom.  My parents have always been a big part of my spiritual life.”  Kathryn attended Rhema Christian School where her mother, Wava, taught third grade.

After graduating high school, Kathryn attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Kathryn remembers, “They encouraged us to really own our faith for ourselves.” This thinking allowed her to figure out, as a young adult, what kind church she wanted to belong to and what she saw as her niche for ministry.

During this time of discovery, Kathryn never questioned God but was beginning to question people and Christianity in the organized church. It was the eighties when church scandals were frequent topics on the evening news. She graduated from college feeling a bit jaded and cynical.

The turning point for Kathryn came when she returned to Pittsburgh for a visit and attended a West Ridge service with her parents.  This was back in the early days of West Ridge when the congregation was still meeting in the Moon High School. She heard a message about being wounded by the church.  During the sermon, an apology was offered to anyone who had been hurt by the church.  Upon thinking about the message, Kathryn put her focus on where it needed to be, on Jesus and not on people. After Kathryn moved back to Pittsburgh, she experienced a new closeness with God.  She was getting more from the messages each Sunday and made West Ridge her church home. 

Kathryn has been with West Ridge since 1997.  In that time, she has served in so many different areas.  She seen many, many changes and been involved with a variety of ministries.  While Kathryn was teaching the Freedom Ministry (which is now called Kingdom Life) she felt like God was moving her from her professional career as a teacher but she wasn’t sure where.  She had taught at Rhema Christian School for sixteen years but was unsure what to do next.  After much prayer, she believed God wanted her to take a step of faith and leave her teaching position and join the staff of West Ridge full time.

As the Kids Director for North Country, getting to know all the kids that attend North Country each week has been most rewarding aspect of this ministry for Kathryn.  She has plans for the future in getting all of the kids classes learning the same theme at the same time and focusing in on one truth each week so all of the students are on the same page with their lessons.  She is also super excited for the VBS theme, “Gotta Move: Keeping in Step with the Spirit”.  West Ridge/North Country will host the free VBS July 16-18, 6:30-8:30 pm and July 19, 9:00 am – Noon.

Also this summer, Kathryn and North Country will be partnering up with the Women’s Ministry by providing classes for the kids while their moms are participating in the “Captivating” Bible/book study.  While the women are studying, the children will be learning too!  The study begins June 18th from 9:00 – 11:30.

In addition to all of that, Kathryn is leading the Kingdom Life team. Kingdom Life will be holding the Foundations class in June for anyone and everyone.  She describes it as, “Basically about living the life God created you to have.  It’s about understanding who you are in Him, and hearing from Him for yourself.” The class will take place over a weekend and then there will be some topical, one session classes through the rest of the year.

It is time to wrap up our interview but before we finish, Kathryn has to answer the Super Six questions!

  1. Are you a morning person or night owl?  Definitely morning!
  2. What was the last book you read? I am a total Jane Austin lover and right now I am reading “Death Comes to Pemberley” by P.D. James.  It is a mystery based on the Jane Austin book “Pride and Prejudice”. It is a modern novel but it picks up at the end of “Pride and Prejudice”. I love mysteries!
  3. What is your favorite way to relax? Read…  I love to read!
  4. What would you have for the perfect meal? My mom’s homemade spaghetti. She makes homemade sauce from tomatoes in her garden.  It’s probably what I ask for most on my birthday.
  5. What is your favorite Scripture to meditate on in times of stress? Definitely Psalm 23, I love that one! (“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures…”)
  6. What is your favorite thing about West Ridge? West Ridge is a family.  It’s just an extension of being at home!

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