Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Same Old Story


Do you have a favorite movie that you can quote all the best lines from? For me, that would be “Steel Magnolias”. It is one of those movies that I can pick up at any point and watch the rest of the way through. I’ve seen it a million times. If I catch it when Shelby discusses her upcoming wedding while getting her hair done at Truvy’s beauty shop, (“My colors are blush and bashful.”) then I know to settle in, because the movie has just started. But, if they are to the point when Miss Clairee declares to Ouiser, “I love ya more than my luggage.” then I know, don’t get too comfy, the movie is almost over. Why, I am pretty sure if you turn the tv on right now, “Steel Magnolias” is on. Go ahead, check! TNT, Lifetime, search for it, “Steel Magnolias” is out there!

I believe the same goes with the well-known stories from the Bible. There are some stories you love to hear over and over. On the other hand, there are some stories that you have heard so many times, they have become so familiar to you, that when you get to them, you gloss over them. Oh yes, Noah and the Ark. All those animals, the rain, the dove, yep, yep, I know! Or even the story of Adam and Eve. We have all heard those stories over and over. Occasionally, we visit them through the eyes of our children. Yet, we usually zip right on through the story, maybe not really gleaning all that we could. Perhaps we are missing an important lesson along the way. 

That very thing happened to me recently. The parable of the Prodigal Son is another one of those Bible stories that we all have heard a bunch of times. For the majority of us, you can pick up the story at any point and know how it ends. If you are unfamiliar with it though, read Luke 15:11-32.

Now, up until awhile ago, whenever I heard or read that story I always thought to myself, “Don’t be like the prodigal son! Be smart. Don’t go off and waste all your money. Don’t be foolish.” I often thought too, what a wonderful father, to welcome his long lost son back to the family and how it relates to God’s forgiving heart towards us. However, when I read it recently, I realized that every time I had heard that story before, I totally missed the point of the mention of the older brother and his reaction to his younger brother’s return at the end!

It was also around this time that my husband and I were dealing with some issues regarding an estranged member of our extended family. We missed this person dearly. We thought of him often. His absence was felt at family functions. For our family though, and the situations surrounding this missing family member, we simply could not reconnect with this person. For my husband and me, it was almost like this family member had died. We mourned the loss of our relationship with him.

So when my devotional had an extra article in the back concerning the parable of the Prodigal Son, I thought, oh great, I already know this story! I dutifully read through the Scripture. I read through the devotional text outlining a repentant heart in the prodigal son, a forgiving heart in the father, and then, suddenly, MY heart was convicted! My eyes gazed upon the text. The older son had an unforgiving heart! Why, I never paid much attention to the older brother at the end of the story! I forgot he was even mentioned!

All these years I have heard this story and I never thought of the older brother at all! I didn’t realize he was an important part of the parable. He reflected hardness, vengefulness, and arrogance. I began to see how the older brother was unwilling to look past the mistakes the younger brother had made and forgive him. I realized too, that this was how I was feeling towards the estranged family member.

I continued to read the remainder of the devotional and was absorbed by the message. I wanted to take in all I could. I read it, reread it and then started to cry. I underlined sentences and was so moved by a Bible verse, I had to write it down and tape it to the wall! I could not wait to share with my husband what I had studied that day.

As I took in all this information, I prayed for forgiveness from God for being unforgiving to others. I prayed for God to help me to forgive those who had hurt me and to not be like the older brother in the parable. In the days and weeks following, I prayed for restoration of the relationship that was broken. I prayed also for God to prepare me to have a forgiving heart and open my arms to this person that I had missed and cared about so much.

Time went by. Months and months passed. While the parable wasn’t as fresh in my mind as it once was, every now and then I would be reminded of how I wanted to be like the forgiving father and not like the unforgiving older brother. It seemed like I could just come to it at any point and know exactly what was going on.

Then one day, my husband got a call our “missing” family member. Circumstances in his life had changed. He was in a difficult situation. He needed family, support, and most importantly - love. My husband invited him to our house for dinner that evening. When our family member arrived, I welcomed him into our home. We all had a wonderful time getting to know each other again. We spent hours catching up on everything he had missed in the 4 years he had been absent. He was overwhelmed by the love and affection of our three little girls who were really just meeting him for the first time in their lives.

My husband and I explained why we had distanced ourselves from him and how he had hurt us. He explained his perspective as well. By the end of our night, we all came away with a better understanding of the past. We had clarity for the present and most importantly, forgiveness was abounding.

I can’t say that our relationship with our family member is perfect now. We still face challenges in getting our relationship back to where it once was. I can say confidently though, that I have forgiven him. I have let go of the past hurts and wrong doings. I will always welcome him into our home with love.

I am thankful for the lesson I learned from that “same old story”. I am thankful for the opportunity to extend forgiveness to someone else and receive forgiveness for my hardened heart. I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing about the restoration and rebuilding of what I had believed was a dead relationship. None of this would have been possible without God!

“But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:32 NIV


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A List A Mile Long

I am a list maker.  Lists are awesome!  Yes, I am one of “those” people.  The organized, alphabetical order, “type A”, follow all the instructions kind of people. My food shopping list is highlighted with four different colors and has check boxes for items that have coupons.  Before folding it into my purse, I attach my coupons with a paper clip.  I have lists of to-do items before holidays, parties, etc.  I make a list of attractions I want to visit on vacations.  I am a list lovin’ girl!

Last fall my to-do list for September included attending the Fall Women’s Ministry Kick-Off with featured speaker, Adana Wilson.  If you attended that night, you might remember Adana mentioning prayer journals when she was discussing being in God’s presence.  She said that she had tried to journal many times but was never consistent in it. It just wasn’t what really what brought her life.  It didn’t help her feel closer to God.

I thought about what Adana had talked about that night long after I got home.  I had my daily quiet time with the Lord but was I really getting into His Presence?  I had a little devotional that I read and I had my prayer time but was I really being in being still and listening for God’s Voice?  I did not know much about prayer journaling but I thought, why not give it a try? If it didn’t work out, there was not much risk or loss involved.  I’d just throw a few pieces of paper in the trash.

I had no idea how to start.  Where there rules? Where there guidelines?  Should my entry be so many sentences long? My first morning, I felt a bit overwhelmed.  Would I do it right?  Could I do it wrong?  Did I need a fancy notebook? Was my pen special enough?

Suddenly inspired, I felt like the best way for me to begin, was to simply list a few things I was thankful for that day.  In the same little notebook I kept in my Bible carrying case, I wrote out the date and then a list.  The heading for my list: Things I am Thankful to God for Today.

For the next few weeks, I wrote a list each day of what I was thankful God had blessed me with.  Some days my list came quickly.  Some days my list took more thought and meditation.  Each day though, I had a list.  Sometimes my list was simple; thanking God for sunshine, good health, and protection.  Other days it was much more specific; thanking God for getting me through a certain situation or answered prayers for a loved one. 

Before I knew it, my list had changed into paragraphs. Those paragraphs revealed the longings in my heart, concerns on my mind, and what God was whispering to my heart.  Soon pages were filled from just one day’s worth of “quiet time”.  Quickly, the filled pages completed the notebook. As the weeks and months went by, I filled another notebook and then another.

When I missed an opportunity to write in my notebook, I noticed it.  My day seemed incomplete.  I was lacking something.  I was missing coming in to God’s presence.  I missed thanking Him, praising Him, worshipping Him, bringing my needs and concerns to Him, and absolutely missed asking for forgiveness from Him for my sins.  I missed hearing from God as well. When I had a day that I failed in making time to be in God’s Presence, I was not whole.

I love writing in my prayer journal these days.  I use a simple notebook and pen.  Nothing fancy but I so enjoy just sitting down and writing out my prayers.  I feel connected to God when I do it.  I feel like I am in His Presence.  It is like I am sitting here just talking with Him across the table from me.  I love taking a scripture and writing it big and bold in my notebook and then just meditating on it.  It is awesome too, when I get to the end of a notebook and look back on all I had written.  When I look back and realize all God has done, how He has moved in my life and in the lives of others, it amazes me.  My heart is filled with joy!

I urge you today, if you aren’t consistently taking the time to get into God’s Presence on your own, please do it.  Maybe a journal or list isn’t your thing.  Why not try just sitting with your Bible, a cup of coffee, and read where you feel God is leading you? Maybe the morning is not your best time to really get with God.  Perhaps in the evening after dinner, or in the afternoon on your lunch hour would be best.  Whatever feels the most natural to you, make the time to be still and quiet your mind.  Let His Presence envelop and overcome you.  It will make such a positive difference in your life.  You will never look back and think that it was a waste of time.  You may just end up with a list a mile long.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” James 4:18 NIV