
Monday, September 16, 2013


Welcome to the West Ridge Women’s blog!  We are a group of ladies who are committed to passionately pursing God, loving each other and the world!  This blog will feature inspirational articles written by women for women dealing with everyday life from a female, Christian perspective. Whether you are young, old, married, single, mom, grandma, sister, daughter, friend, you all will find something here that will speak to you!  Also, we will interview amazing women who are leading various ministries at West Ridge Christian Community Church. 

Our hope is that this blog will inspire you in your daily walk with the Lord. We pray that the life lessons and stories shared here will draw you nearer to Christ.  If you haven’t made a decision to follow Christ yet, we pray that it will soften your heart toward accepting Him as your personal Savior. 

Take a look around, there’s info on upcoming events on the blog and various ministries.  If you have any questions or comments, email us at, we would love to hear from you! 

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

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