
Thursday, May 25, 2017

From One Momma To Another...

I had the awesome opportunity to attend the Encourage / North Country Open House for new parents a couple weeks ago.  As I sat among the mommas-to-be with adorable baby bumps and others snuggling new babies, I remembered those early days of parenthood.  I did the math and it has been ten years since I was pregnant with my first baby. That’s a DECADE ago!  When they say that the “days are long but the years are short”, when you have a baby, it is so true...

But Marcy from ten years ago probably would not have believed it.  She was too busy reading every baby book she could.  She was tracking her pregnancy through “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. And when that wasn’t enough, there were always plenty of blogs and articles to read up on. (Thanks Google.)

You know, you can read every blog, book, and magazine about parenting there is but nothing really prepares you for when they wheel you out the door of the hospital and you load that precious newborn into the car to head home.  It’s a bit daunting realizing the nurses aren’t there to help you at 3 a.m.  Most likely, something will come up with that little bundle of joy that you just can’t find an answer to in that stack of baby books. (I.e. why won’t he/she stop crying?!?!?)

And so that leads me to this piece of advice...  You are not in this alone.  The days are long.  And hard.  And very often, filled with more tears on your part than your baby’s!  (Sleep deprivation and changing hormones are a powerful force my friends.)  Remember that you and your husband are a team.  It will be you and him asleep in bed together, both pretending it is not your turn to get up with the baby for what seems like the twentieth time in the middle of the night, lol! It will be the both of you that your baby will save special coos and smiles for.  And it will be the both of you that will be picking up binkies and getting spit up on. 

You are a team.  That means both of you play an integral part and you both work together for the good of the team.  For me and my husband, that meant we both got up at night when the baby cried but switched off who fed her and who changed her.  For us, this was the best way to quiet our baby, feed her, and get her back to sleep. We were like a NASCAR pit crew with diaper changes and bottle preparation! And, bonus, whoever was on diaper duty, got to go right back to bed! (Let’s be honest, who is able to sleep through a screaming baby, knowing your partner is struggling to change a diaper and get the baby fed?!)

And you know what every team needs? A coach! Your team will need guidance, wisdom, instruction, and encouragement!  I just happen to know someone who is the PERFECT Coach and Father.  He knows you, your partner, and your baby – even better than YOU do!  Or course I am talking about God! You are not in this parenting gig alone.  God is with you every step of the way!  He is cheering you on and instructing you in the way you should go!

“The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ear will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

I distinctly remember being terribly sleep deprived with my third baby.  Just the exhaustion of recovering from being pregnant and having a baby is tough, but I also had two other little ones to take care of as well. On top of that, neither one of them were very fond of naps or sleeping through the night.  I recall sneaking into the bedroom to nap while my newborn was napping and my husband was entertaining my two older girls.  They were loud in that oh so special toddler way and I was just so, so tired.  Think of the time that you were the most exhausted you have ever been in your life.  Now multiply that by ten and that, my friends, is how tired I was!  I prayed, no, literally begged Jesus for sleep.  God met me in that moment and my eyes closed.  I think that may have been the sweetest, most restful nap of my life.

Don’t be afraid to ask God for what you need in the moment.  Don’t think a request for a nap is selfish or silly.  God wants to meet your needs.  He wants to help you be the best mom or dad you can be.  If that means praying your baby sleeps an extra ten minutes so you can shower or asking God to show you the best way to calm your baby down – go for it!  After all, no one knows your little one better that the One who created that tiny miracle.

“How gracious God will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.” Isaiah 30:19 (NIV)

So you and your husband are a team. God is your Coach. Well, who is cheering you on??  All of us!  Your family, your friends, your church family.  We are all here for you!  We are your wildest fans!  We are lifting you up in prayer.  We are encouraging you at every twist and turn. And we are bringing you food.  (Because new parents are tired.  Y’all need a good casserole, you know, to keep your strength up, lol!)

Seriously, your “fans” are going to be there for you too!  Grandparents will want to rock their grandbabies.  (Side note new parents: that is when you NAP.  Have I clearly stated how important naps are yet?! Ha!) Family and friends will be on your doorstep with gift bags and smiles!  (And even better, with take-out!) Your church family will be so excited to see you bring your little one through the doors of West Ridge for the very first time! 

Another side note: it is no secret, those Bunny Room Volunteers in North Country LOVE babies!  I think the awesomeness of the Bunny Room is one of the reasons North Country is so special.  There are plenty of people to snuggle your baby and to read them Bible stories all while Christian music plays in the background.  Plus, when you drop off your little peanut in the Bunny Room, then you are able to really focus on worship and the message in the Sanctuary. Which allows God to pour into you, thus making you able to pour out what God has given to you.  Essentially, it’s a win-win for everyone!

So to all you couples expecting babies and those of you who are new parents, remember, you are not in this by yourselves!  You have God, you have each other, and you have all of us!  The days will be long, the years will be short.  In ten years you will look back on these days and remember what a blessing they truly were. You will smile and remember... You were never alone.

 Post by: Marcy Gates

Thursday, May 11, 2017

What Mom Really Needs to Hear

I wanted to take a moment to encourage you on this Mother's Day weekend. No matter what season of motherhood you are in I think we all could use a little encouragement as women. Maybe your vision of motherhood has turned out exactly the way that you thought it would. Or maybe your vision of motherhood looks nothing like you planned. Either way I think being a mother refines us and sanctifies us. We grow, mold and shape not only our children but also ourselves. I know for myself I've grown and changed and matured through each child birth and through each stage as my boys are growing and maturing. 

So I asked myself... What do I need to hear in this season of life as a mother?  And I thought, if I need to hear this there are others out there who may just need to hear it too...

So here it goes:

You really are enough. Everything that you pour out every day is enough. The tears, sleepless nights, hugs, brushing teeth, combing hair, listening ears, dishes, dirty floors, praying with your little ones, crying over your teenagers, asking God for help whenever you feel like you can't go on... All of it is enough. You wake up every morning and your family is the first thing on your mind. You go to bed at night and they are the last thing you think about before you drift off to sleep. You put it all in God's hands every day. And it is enough! Every dance party in the kitchen, Barbie dolls hair brushed and Legos built, it's all enough.

You are enough because He is enough. He is your strength and your peace.  He is your love and your joy. He looks at you and He calls you beloved. 

He gave you the children that you have because He knew that you are the mother that they need. So when you worry or wonder if you're doing it all right, if it's all enough... Remember that it is, because God brought you all together and He called it good!

So on this Mother's Day 2017 remember that everything you pour out into your family is enough!  You are doing a good job mama, grandma, sister, aunt, friend! 

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” Proverbs 31:28 (NIV) 

Post by: Jimmie Lee DiIanni