
Monday, January 19, 2015

West Ridge Women Spotlight #5 - Bethany Caruso

For a lot of us, the beginning of the new year means changing our habits.  Finances usually tops the list of areas that people want to get in order.  Recently, West Ridge offered the Financial Peace University through the 2014 spring session of Life Groups.  The course was developed by Dave Ramsey, is Biblically based, and has been instrumental in leading many people to becoming debt-free.

I had the great pleasure of meeting with one of the course’s recent graduates, Bethany Caruso, to talk about the Financial Peace classes and to hear how the course has changed her life.  

Bethany is 25 and lives in Imperial.  Growing up, she was ministered to by her mom and grandma.  In 2008, Bethany accepted Christ into her heart and hasn’t looked back.  She’s been attending West Ridge for over two years now, ever since she was invited to a NEXT event.  

Bethany felt pulled to be healthy in every area of her life.  One of those areas was her finances.  So when the Financial Peace courses were being offered last spring, she signed up.  Seeing the mistakes that so many others had made with their finances while she was growing up and not wanting to repeat them herself, Bethany was motivated to take the classes seriously.  Bethany acknowledges, “My actions were going against what the Word says. But I did not know. It was truly an area of my life I had no knowledge besides that the love of money is the root of all evil.  I had a desire God placed in me to be of good stewardship. But I had to choose, key word, choose to claim what God had for me.”

Led by Mike Schuller and Phil Riggle, the group met for 9 weeks.  It was a diverse group of people, of varying ages, in different stages of life.  Bethany said the group setting for the class was great because it offered support and it was a “no judgment zone”.  Everyone bonded and it was easy to open up and talk about their finances.  Plus, they were able to learn from the mistakes that others had made.

Bethany shared that the very first thing the group learned was why Financial Peace is important.  She also learned how it is based on principles from the Bible and can work for anyone in any situation.  She was very excited to get started. She said that she went in to the group very open minded, “What I was doing wasn’t working, so why not try something that my church says works?”

When you learn about money and God’s view on it, your eyes are opened up to the fact that tithes and offerings are the most vital aspect of finances.  Giving your first fruits to God by tithing exhibits a grateful and loving heart.  It also signifies that you trust God and are putting Him first in your life.  Plus it positions you to be greatly blessed!  Bethany said, “I started looking at tithes differently not as money but as whatever God was trying to teach me that month. For me that was trust and that I clearly couldn't do it myself like I was trying. When I trusted God in one area of my life, I began to trust him in every area of my life. I was seeing my needs being met way beyond what I expected.” 

Areas like budgeting, blew Bethany away.  She never realized that the money she thought was “extra” really wasn’t and that she had been just wasting money.  “Zero Budgeting” has helped her to increase her savings and make sure that each dollar she earns has a place.  Bethany mentioned that when she looked back at what she had earned since she started working and then at what she had when she began the classes, it hurt! She said, “I would have had thousands in my savings and thousands in my emergency fund if I would have started this so much sooner!”

Bethany concedes that the hardest thing about going through Financial Peace was not being able to buy new clothes whenever she wanted.  But she admits, the easiest part has been saving, “Once you see your savings account balance increase, it’s worth it.” Bethany has learned that budgeting helps you to achieve your goals in the right timing.  

“My generation is the worst with money.” Bethany said.  She’s begun to plant the seed in her younger cousins about how important it is to save when you are young.  “We live in the NOW generation.  I was very selfish and wanted everything now.”  Bethany quotes Dave Ramsey, “Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later.” She has been sharing all she’s learned from Financial Peace on Facebook, inspiring those who know her to begin being financially responsible as well.

Bethany graduated from the Financial Peace University and has set her sights on achieving her goals by using all the tools she learned.  Her goal for 2015 is to pay off all of her debt, including credit card debt.  Another goal she has is to help other people her age and younger to be more financially responsible.  Long term Bethany would like to be able to financially her help out her mom and eventually buy her own home.  Even longer term, she would like to be financially sound so that whenever God does bring the right person into her life and they are ready to start a family, she can be a stay at home mom. Bethany also wants to be able to follow whatever call God places on her heart for ministry and not have finances slow her down.

Bethany said that the most rewarding aspect of going through this journey has been gaining a greater understanding of who God is.  She’s also become more disciplined and she has more money in her pocket!  She wants to encourage anyone who is dealing with the stresses of finances that are out of control to take the course, “No matter what age you start, it’s better to start now than never!”

Now that we know about Bethany’s finances (LOL!) let’s get to know the rest of her! It’s time for the Super Six Questions!!

1. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl!

2. What was the last book you read? “Becoming Myself” by Stasi Eldredge

3. What is your favorite way to relax? I love hanging out with my friends, either going to Sunday brunch or out on a girls’ night or even just working out together.

4. What would you have for the perfect meal? Ohh! Steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, asparagus, and cornbread.

5. What is your favorite Scripture to meditate on in times of stress? “Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10  My mind can go in a thousand different ways. Sometimes I just need to be still. 

6. What is your favorite thing about West Ridge? It is a family.  It’s home.  It’s warm and welcoming.  

Post by: Marcy Gates

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


At the turn of the year people everywhere are reflecting on 2014 and dreaming and planning for 2015. It’s a beautiful thing to see everyone expectant for things to come. I love reading down my Facebook or Instagram feeds seeing the declarations and resolutions for the New Year. Everyone is trying to start out on the right foot, complaining less, thinking more positively, eating better, exercising, etc. My favorite part about seeing all the posts is that they are full of hope. They make my heart rejoice!
I think the reason we are so full of hope at the beginning of the New Year is that we can look at the year like it is a blank slate. It is true that God's mercies are new each morning and we can approach the New Year the same way, beginning with a fresh start. Whether your 2014 was amazing or the complete opposite and just down right tough, 2015 can be a fresh start! A blank slate ready to be chiseled, a white canvas ready to be painted, a new chapter ready to be written...
I'd like to be honest with you for a minute. I started out the year a little disappointed. I had a short break from work for the holidays (a total of 11 days off!). My plan was to clean and purge things during this time. I had this idea that I would have time to sit in coffee shops writing, dreaming and planning for the New Year. It seemed so glorious! But my 3 year old came down with a fever and a cold over Christmas. Then, I got the same thing as him shortly after we finished up the Christmas holiday. I was bummed. Not only were we both sick enough that we couldn't truly enjoy being home together but that also meant I didn't have the energy to do all of the dreaming and the planning and the cleaning out of old things!
I started feeling like a bit of a failure. I needed time to listen to God, hearing from him for the New Year! I needed to have my goals and such by the 1st of the year! Everyone has to have these things ready on January 1st you know?! Or it doesn't count, or something like that.
Being sick kept me at home with my thoughts and they just started getting plain old silly. I know what it’s like to stay stuck in a funk so I decided to start praying. You know God's not afraid of our silly thoughts! He's big enough for our irrational thinking, Amen? I decided I needed to give it all to Him. My physical sickness and my silly thinking; just lay it there, all of it, at His feet. And our God is so faithful. He continually meets us right where we are, to encourage and strengthen us. What I needed to do was transform or renew my thinking...
Many people start out the New Year with a resolution or maybe some goals. Some may choose one word for the year or maybe a scripture verse to focus on. I have never been a resolution type girl, but I loved the idea of choosing one word. (My 2014 word was REFINE.) And more recently I was introduced to the idea of having a scripture verse for the year. So when they were talking about 2014's most popular verse on the radio my ears perked up. The Bible App or YouVersion used their statistics to determine the most underlined and highlighted verse of 2014 (  and I was somewhat surprised to hear that Romans 12:2 was number one. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Rom.12:2 (NIV)
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are a new creation! Much like our approach to the New Year, we are potter's clay to be shaped and molded. We must turn from our old way of thinking and begin to put on a new way of thinking. We need to transform, renew our thoughts! Just like waking up to new mercies, we can renew our minds daily. I don't think it is coincidence that YouVersion's number two most popular verse (the most shares) for 2014 was Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
Transforming or renewing our thoughts starts with Truth. As women of God we need to be filling our mind with God's word, fixing our thoughts on whatever is true, noble, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy! His word does not turn void. And He will complete the work that he began in us!
Sisters, let us approach this New Year with a heart towards our King. Let us allow our relationship with Jesus to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Let us put off the old and allow Jesus to make us new! Let us choose each day to fix our thoughts on His truth. Amen!
As we leave 2014 behind let us begin 2015 with renewed hearts and minds setting our thoughts on those things that are true, noble, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy! Listen to what God is speaking to you and see where He takes you in 2015!
Thank you for reading and I pray you have an awesome 2015 with Jesus by your side!

~Jimmie Lee


The West Ridge Women’s Ministry Team would love to hear what God is showing you or speaking to you! How do you approach the New Year? If you have resolutions, goals, one word or a scripture, we would love to read about them in the comments (either here on the blog page or on Facebook). Perhaps you have a different approach to the New Year? We’d love want to hear about that too!