Monday, December 14, 2015

A Christmas Prayer - 2015

Ladies, as Christmas quickly approaches, we wanted to just take a moment and invite you to pause and pray with us.  Jimmie Lee DiIanni leads us in a prayer for Christmas 2015...

I am honored to stand with you as one body and lift up this prayer for all of us, daughters of the Most High King!

~Jimmie Lee

Father God,

Thank You for the amazing gift of sending your Son, Jesus! You didn’t have to but You did! Where would we be without Your love? If we climb to the heights, You are there! If we find ourselves in darkness, You are there. You are always there. Thank You that You have made a way for us. Thank You for the immeasurable gifts You have given us through Jesus! You sent Him as a babe, in a lowly manger. But He was our way out, a way out for all!

As we have embarked on this season where the world tends to be more focused on You, I pray that Jesus would shine through each one us. I pray that as Your humble servants, we would be the love that Jesus is to others. Let us shake off the pretense and everything that Christmas is not. Keep our eyes fixed on You, being Your hands and feet.  May we send forth Your love, joy, peace, grace, mercy, and kindness to all.

I pray a blessing over each family. May You strengthen marriages and relationships. May You keep Your hedge of protection around our homes, our hearts, and our minds. May You guide and direct our steps and decisions, giving us clarity and vision. Grant us grace and peace, living in right standing with You, oh Lord. Encourage our spirits as we go about our days serving You. Help us Lord, to be confident right where we are, leaning on You for our identity and freedom! And Lord God, I ask that You would quiet our hearts as we wait for You, speak life into us as we enter into a new year.

You are a good good Father, who sent His perfect Son to make new life for us. You are the Faithful One, the Holy One who calls us His! Thank you Lord!  In Jesus’ name… Amen!

“God you can now release your servant:
Release me in peace as you promised.
With my own eyes I’ve seen your Salvation;
It’s now out in the open for everyone to see:
A God-revealing light to the non-Jewish nations, 
and of glory for your people Israel.”
Luke 2:29-32 (MSG) 

Ladies, thank you for reading the West Ridge Women's blog!  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

'Tis the Season?!

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I don’t know about you but I still have turkey left-overs in my fridge.  The feast was days ago and I can say with full confidence that I don’t want to eat anymore stuffing for the next eleven months!

You know this time of the year, this holiday season, really is unlike any other.  The stores are not nearly as crazy at Memorial Day or 4th of July.  The demands are more complicated.  The preparation is more involved.  The stress level can rise and the faith level can drop.

No other time of the year is as crazy busy as the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  And sometimes we can make it even crazier for ourselves.  While we try to cross off everything on our holiday to-do lists, we can forget the true meaning of what we are celebrating.  Then… And then! We feel guilty for not fully grasping everything we are “supposed” to grasp.  Did we meaningfully reflect on God’s goodness to us this past year?!  Are we really ready to receive the most precious gift?! Before you know it, you are staring at your Christmas tree, exhausted on Christmas night after all the hubbub of the day wondering, “Did I miss it?  The trueness, the realness, the faithfulness?  Did it pass me by this year (again?!)?”

So, how do we do it differently this year?  How do we keep this season of gratitude, wonder, and joy from slipping away? This kind of question, it makes me think of Ann Voskamp.  It reminds me of her words in “One Thousand Gifts” defining Eucharisteo:  “Grace, thanksgiving, joy.”

Since Thanksgiving is still fresh on our minds, let’s start there.  One of the best ways to build your faith level up is to look back on the year.  Think about all of the things God did for you in 2015.  The blessings, the answered prayers, the encouragement, the little love notes He placed before you each day. 

Now, I know, you are busy.  I’m busy too!  There are kids to get ready for school, work to do, important things.  But, there are pockets of time in our days (aside from our "quiet time"); that we can pause and remember God’s goodness and faithfulness.  Those times when you are in the car alone, or even waiting in line at Wal-Mart (I’ve done it!).  And as you remember all those things, thank God.  Thank Him for His faithfulness, His goodness, His love, and His grace.

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV)

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5 (NIV)

As you look back on the year and remember God’s faithfulness, your stress will decrease.  I promise!  You can’t look back on what God has done for you and still be tense.  Wrapping paper and bows will fade away as you pause and remember and give thanks.  Plus, you know what dear old Ann has to say about thanksgiving don’t you?  It always precedes the miracle. 

In the pausing and giving thanks, our faith swells.  As we remember each blessing, a brick in our “wall of faith” is laid.  Plus, the act of thanksgiving leads us to recall God’s amazing grace.  The great gift of God’s unmerited favor.  Who couldn’t use a reminder of grace during this season?!  Burnt the Christmas cookies? Grace.  Forgot to wish someone a “Merry Christmas”?  Grace.  Toddler has a melt-down in Target? EXTRA grace ; )  My friends, during this season, grace is a gift we all can use! 

And you know, as we bask in the warmth of God’s grace, we find joy.  Isn’t that what we all are striving for this time of year?  To have joy in the Christmas season?  To be overflowing with joy as worship the miracle we celebrate each December?

So my encouragement for you this year, this holiday season of 2015? Well, just as the calendar begins our holiday season with Thanksgiving, we too should begin with thanksgiving!  Recall how God has been faithful to you this year.  Allow that to build up your faith.  Then rest in God’s grace.  The world’s version of the Christmas season is going to try to wear you out – physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Soak up God’s grace.  And then, then my friends, the joy will come.  Your heart will be ready to welcome the King!

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)

Post by: Marcy Gates

Monday, November 16, 2015

All The Single Ladies... (Part 2)

Have you heard the idea of finding “The One”? Have you fell in to that thought process or teaching that there is someone out there who is “The One” and at the right moment God will show you with neon signs and flashing lights that this person is, in fact “The One” you are supposed to marry? Okay, maybe that was a tad dramatic, but I believe that it is not far from the mentality that has been taught over the years. And so, if you have found yourself leaning on this way of thinking I would like to offer you a fresh perspective, a perspective that allows God to be the center rather than a puppet master pulling strings.

So here are… Three Points To Turn Your Perspective While Waiting for “The One”!

1)   Become “The One”
If you are focused on finding “The One”, are you focusing on what is happening in your heart? Are you allowing God to mold your heart to look like His? You see when we set our sights on finding “The One” we are putting this person up on a pedestal, elevating them above God. Instead we should be learning how to be the wife God is calling us to be. Allow God to teach you how to do relationships well. He has a whole instruction manual on how to love others and serve them well. This should be our goal when looking for a spouse, to love and serve them well. Let’s spend our dating or single years allowing God to teach us and prepare us for the marriage we will enter into in the future.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first”,
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel.
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (MSG)

2)   Keep God First
That idea of “The One” that we elevate, sets these high standards that no one can live up to! We think that when we find that perfect person that we will be fulfilled. We tend to fall into the line of thinking that they will complete us. This is dangerous territory. No person can fulfill that longing, satisfy our needs or complete us. Only God can fill that longing for wholeness! There are two mistakes that can happen when we put “The One” in that place only God can fill. First, we drum up this idea of who “The One” is and what they need to be. Maybe we meet someone who we think is “The One” but we already have this idea of them in our heads that they can’t live up to. It is a set up for failure. The second is we then wrap our identity up in that person, or who we think that person is. When we have our identity wrapped up in a person and they fail, then we get hurt. We are then left with no idea who we are.

Dear ones, we must look to finding who we are in Christ. If you are spending your time seeking the Lord, it is there you will find yourself. As you seek Him and what He wants for you, He will guide you and show you people around you that are seeking the same thing!

3)   Good Marriages Don’t Just Happen
Following the idea of “The One” leads us to believe that finding that person means we will have a good marriage. Good marriages aren’t found they are made. Good marriages take two imperfect people choosing each other every day. Finding “The One” does not guarantee a good marriage. When both of you are seeking Christ and keeping Him at the center - that is what guarantees a successful marriage.

My hope always is that you find encouragement and freedom! So I pray that you have found freedom from all that pressure! Find your identity and confidence in Him! He always, always, always, has your best in mind!

With Love,

Jimmie Lee

Friday, November 13, 2015

Blossom Retreat - Recap

Ladies, I have got to say, I’m still smiling about this past weekend’s Blossom Retreat!  I know we promised you a recap post so here it is!

On Friday evening, three cars loaded up with the girls, their small group leaders, and lots of luggage (!) headed to the beautiful Chapel Valley Estate Bed and Breakfast in Ellwood City.  Despite a few detours (yes, I got our caravan lost a couple times!) we made it to the bed and breakfast right on time.  Jennifer Goebbel and the Innkeepers, Pat and Tom Bishop, all greeted us at the door while the girls “oohhed” and “ahhed” over the adorableness of our accommodations.

Our super cute place mats

After a dinner of pizza in the dining room, which was decorated specifically just for our group (swoon!), we headed to our meeting area for the first message of the weekend.  We were so thankful to have live worship to open our first session of the weekend.  It was amazing and helped to prepare each of our hearts for the message to follow.

So ladies, this retreat was full of “firsts” for me personally.  My first time ever at a bed and breakfast, first time attending a retreat, first time helping to lead a retreat, and first time giving a message!  Yes, I’ll repeat that, giving a message.  

Let me back up a bit…  Way back in the spring, I heard that Stasi Eldredge had released a new book for teen girls that was similar to her books for women, “Captivating” and “Becoming Myself”, both of which I loved.  So I thought I’d read her latest book because I just can't get enough of Stasi’s writing and sometimes, my inner monologue is more “13 year old Marcy” than “39 year old Marcy”.

As I read the book, I just couldn’t help thinking that the topics Stasi covered were all things I wished I had known as a teenage girl.  Even as an adult woman, the areas Stasi wrote about spoke to my heart.  By the time I finished reading the book, I really felt like God was telling my heart that all the lessons I learned from the book needed to be shared!

God has such a way of working out His Plans!  I thought I would just suggest that someone, certainly not me, maybe do a book study with the teens on this book.  I never would have imagined that God would bring about a whole retreat and that I would get to be a part of it or that I would even get to speak at it!  I mean, I’ve never done that before.  But with God, you really just need to be willing and obedient and He works out all the rest : )

So anyway, back to the recap! Friday night I spoke to the girls all about our hearts.  I impressed upon them that the condition of our hearts is so important.  I told them how much God wants our hearts and how we need to be good to our hearts.  I also reminded them that a lot of times, our hearts are the way they are because of things from our past and how Jesus can come in, bringing healing and restoration.  I closed my message that night empowering the girls with five truths from God’s Word that they can hold onto in their hearts.  And can I say, my heart was so glad when I scanned the room and realized each girl there was diligently writing them down! So awesome!

Following the message, the girls had some “free time” but it was spent mostly talking and playing games.  You see, we informed the girls early on that we would be holding on to their cell phones and avoiding the tv’s in our rooms. Yep – no phone or tv – for the whole retreat (except for our selfie scavenger hunt, but more on that later)!  We wanted the girls to truly be able to focus and hear from God during the weekend. And you know what? They were all ok with that.  There may have been a tiny bit of phone withdrawal here and there but the girls did great.

Saturday morning we enjoyed a delicious breakfast that smelled so good it should be captured and turned into a Yankee Candle, lol!  With full bellies and smiles on our faces, we headed back to our meeting space for "quiet time" and then later, more worship and Session #2 of the retreat.

Jennifer Goebbel delivered the second message to the girls called “Authentic Beauty”. Her powerful message spoke to so many of us.  As she talked about what real beauty is and how God truly sees us, hearts were moved.  There were tears and smiles at the end of the message and throughout the discussion time afterward.  I believe everyone who heard it had a new definition of beauty by the time our morning session concluded.

Quiet Time on Saturday morning

Our schedule of events

After taking a break for lunch, it was time for our first “fun activity” of the day.  We headed down to the event room where each girl found a blank canvas at her seat and a stack of papers that had words like: beautiful, strong, worth it, child of God, etc. in different fonts and colors on them.  A large table was set up as a sort of “craft buffet” with a wide variety of paint, ribbons, scrapbook paper, embellishments, and lots of sparkly things!  The girls were instructed to use whatever items they desired to create a “self-portrait collage”.  We reminded the girls that this was going to be a time of hearing from God and to be listening for His Voice.

I’m not even kidding when I say that 2 whole hours later, all the girls had completed their portraits!  Each was unique and different.  Some were simple yet powerful while others took full advantage of the all the paint and Modge Podge – lol!  It was so awesome to see each girl admiring not only their own canvas but the canvases of all the other girls around them with giant smiles on all of their faces.

Beautiful ladies on the inside and out!

Having some fun ; )

Next up was the “Selfie Scavenger Hunt”.  Basically, the three small groups the girls had been divided into became three teams on a mission! From such things as “take a picture of your entire team under a bed” to “take a video of your team playing leap frog” to “take a selfie with Innkeepers, Pat and/or Tom”, silliness ensued.  These girls had their eyes on the prize though: bragging rights for the winning team and the right to be the first group to pass through the popcorn bar at our pajama party that night! 

After time had run out for the scavenger hunt, the girls were instructed to get ready for our celebratory dinner!  As we entered into the dining room, the girls were blown away not only by the table that was beautifully set for us, but by the surprise gift by each of their place settings!  Each lovely lady was given a special bracelet to commemorate their weekend retreat.  We wanted to celebrate the ladies, who they are, who God says they are and how much He dearly loves them.  It was important to us that the girls really understood that they are worthy, treasured, and deeply loved in God’s sight.  Before we prayed over our meal, Jennifer shared this empowering quote from Catherine of Sienna with the girls which still sticks with me today, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” 

As the girls were showing their bracelets to each other and discussing the events of the day, our dinner was served. It was such a special time of celebration and reflection of all that we had heard and learned from the Lord!

Following dinner, we gathered together one last time for worship and the Word.  As I gave the third and final message of the retreat, I looked around the room and was simply blown away by these amazing young ladies.  My last message of the weekend was about our names.  I reminded the girls of their true names, that we are God’s beloved. You know sometimes, we allow other people to give us names and often, we label ourselves with names that simply are not true. I impressed upon them that in those times, it is vital that we switch it up and remember and believe the truth – the name God has given us!  As I closed out my message, I gave each young lady a note card with the meaning of their name and the Scripture connected to them.  Following the message, we broke back up into our groups for another time of discussion and reflection.

Then it was time for a party – a pajama party that is! We all changed into our pj’s and settled in together for a movie and snacks from the popcorn bar.  The girls got to mix in things like chocolate chips, pretzels, etc. into their bags of popcorn.  We all got comfy with blankets and pillows and enjoyed the movie.  It was my first slumber party in ages but… some things never change.  There was a lot of laughter and silliness and even some singing!  All we needed were a few “hairbrush microphones”!

Following the movie, we decided to have an “open style” discussion.  Basically all the adults sat on the couch while the teens sat on the floor and got to ask us any question they wanted.  I gotta tell you, a lot of people worry about this generation or feel like they can’t relate to them.  But I’m here to tell you, they still have the same questions we all did when we were their age.  And I have to admit, it was really fun answering their questions from the “adult” side of the teenage years with a Christian woman’s knowledge and perspective.  

The next morning it was time to pack up and head home.  But, not before another scrumptious breakfast!  I think we all were giddy at the sight of bacon on our plates! After filling up on the delicious food, we thanked Pat and Tom and their staff for a great time at Chapel Valley.  We loaded up our cars and headed back to West Ridge, smiling as every mile melted away on the highway behind us.

Post by: Marcy Gates

I’d like to extend a special thank you to the following people who worked so hard to make the Blossom Retreat unforgettable:

Jennifer Goebbel – West Ridge Women’s Ministry Director, Speaker
Jimmie Lee DiIanni – Small Group Leader
Amy Knox – Small Group Leader
Erik Kerr – Worship (Friday)
Becca Cummins – Worship (Saturday)
Nicole Yoder – Selfie Scavenger Hunt Creator/Facilitator (& deliverer of lunch, lol!) 
Pat & Tom Bishop & the staff of Chapel Valley Estate

Friday, October 23, 2015

West Ridge Women Spotlight #6 - Shelly Bennett

Hi everyone, Marcy here!  As I prepare for the upcoming Blossom Retreat, I thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce you to one of the "behind the scenes" members of the Social Media Ministry and a super, sweet lady, Shelly Bennett!  So let's get to know Shelly a little better in her own words...

Hello Ladies! My name is Shelly Bennett. I am a wife to my awesome husband, Paul, and a mom to 3 teenagers (Pray for me please – lol!). My family and I have been members of West Ridge for about 1 ½ years. We absolutely love it! We have been so welcomed and loved that it feels as if we have been here forever. My husband serves on the Parking Lot Team. I serve on the Greeting Team and I am involved with the Titus 2 Mentoring Program.  I also help out behind the scenes of the Women’s Social Media Ministry.

Serving in some capacity has been a part of my life since I was a little girl.  My mom and dad gave their lives to the Lord when I was about 4 years old. Prior to that, my dad was an alcoholic and my parents were on the verge of divorce. Everything changed when they joined a small group, which then led them to church. God had saved them, restored their marriage and they were so grateful. They never looked back. They wanted to serve the Lord with everything that was in them and along that road they instilled in their children that same desire!

That’s where my story begins. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 5 years old. Shortly after that I was baptized.  For my family, church was our life. My dad became an associate pastor and I think I was at the church almost every day! Over the years, I have served in many areas of ministry from bus ministry, hospitality, teaching Sunday school, teaching home Bible studies, singing in the choir and on the praise team.  I even taught preschool at the church daycare.  I have a lot of great memories that made such impact on my life because my parents chose to involve us in serving others.  

One year, I remember my parents were in charge of gift baskets for the needy at Christmas time. So on some really cold, wintery Saturdays, we went door to door collecting canned goods in 3 feet of snow! I’m not even exaggerating! I would even invite my friends to spend the night and then the next day inform them they were going with me to collect those canned goods. Despite the surprise, they were all pretty good sports. 

When I was saved, I became a part of the body of Christ. As a part of His body, I have a function or service that only I can do. Just like in our physical body, the hand cannot do what the brain does, or the heart cannot do what the kidney does but each of those body parts play a very important role. Mark 10:45 (ESV) says: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Jesus lived His life on earth as a servant to others as an example for us to follow. I want to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren to know the importance and the joy they will feel in serving others for the cause of Christ!

If you have a desire to serve at West Ridge, I encourage you to pray and ask Jesus where you can plug in.  After all you are part of the body too! The church body that is!  And whether you realize it or not, we need you.  We need your talents, gifts, and especially your heart. Serving can be a life changing experience – not only for you but for those you will be helping too!  It could be your smile at the front door that makes a visitor feel welcome.  Or it could be your ability to comfort a little one so a stressed momma can sit in the sanctuary undistracted.  Every area of service is important.

I am so excited about what God is doing at West Ridge! I guarantee you will not regret getting involved in this growing community of believers whose desire is to reach the Ridge and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

This wouldn’t be a West Ridge Women’s Spotlight without ending with the Super Six questions!  So here we go:

1.  Are you a morning person or night owl?  That’s a good question! The older I get the less of a night owl I am! However, I can still be a night owl especially if we are playing games with friends or just spending time with family. I love being with people!!!

2. What was the last book you read? The Mark of the Lion Trilogy by Francine Rivers. It is one of the best trilogies I have ever read!! 

3.  What is your favorite way to relax? Lounging at home with my hubby and kids!

4.  What would you have for the perfect meal? I love food!! So there are a lot of perfect meals. Since it is cold out, I will say broccoli and cheese soup, fresh baked bread, and something chocolate for dessert. 

5.  What is your favorite Scripture to meditate on in times of stress? My favorite verse is actually the whole chapter of Psalm 27. 

6.  What is your favorite thing about West Ridge? I would have to say the love of God that I feel here! I am so grateful God brought us to West Ridge!

Ladies, you can find more information about serving at West Ridge at or you can email us at

Monday, October 5, 2015

All The Single Ladies... (Part 1)

“All the single ladies (all the single ladies)... Now put your hands up!”
-Beyoncé, Singer/Songwriter 

“I wasn’t looking for a promise or commitment, but it wasn’t just fun
and I thought you were different”
-Ed Sheeran, Singer/Songwriter
 “Everybody’s looking for love... Ain’t that the reason you’re at this club?”
Jason Derulo, Singer/Songwriter
“Cause I just wanna look good for you... Let me show you how proud I am to be yours.”
Selena Gomez, Actress/Singer

“35 Best Flirting Tips”, Seventeen Magazine
“Am I in Love?” Take This Quiz!, Seventeen Magazine
“17 Things That Instantly Make Girls a Million Times Hotter”, Seventeen Magazine

“Seven Crucial Rules for Dating Your Friends Ex”, Cosmopolitan Magazine
“Get What You Want”, Cosmopolitan Magazine
“Talking Tricks That Draw Him In” Cosmopolitan Magazine

And there is more where that came from...

As you can see the world has plenty to say about your love life, dating and relationships.  It is easy to get bombarded with opinions of how far is too far, what lines to cross or not cross, how to get this guy to notice you or how to break up with that guy. Frankly all the noise can make things confusing and fuzzy, conflicting with how to date well. Or better yet, how to do single life well. Because looky there, I just made the mistake of putting you in a box, assuming that as a single person you want to be dating. Luckily, I also just proved a point that everybody’s got some type of advice or viewpoint for all the single ladies.

I must confess, I haven’t been single for about 12 years now (7 of those years being marriage). In keeping the spirit of honesty, I don’t think I can say I did dating or single life well back in the day either. So I asked God about it. As I sat down to think about what I could write to the single crowd (because I feel for ya!) God laid this verse on my heart:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 5:13 (NIV)

We are called to be the salt of the earth. What does salt do? Salt is a seasoning, it adds flavor to a bland meal. It is used as a preservative, to keep meat from spoiling. Salt is also used to purify contaminated water. But if the salt itself becomes contaminated then it can no longer be used as a seasoning, preservative or purifier. Its power and influence becomes as bland as the food it is trying to season.

As I sit with this verse, the word preserve is what I keep hearing over and over again. Preserve.

The world will tell you a lot about how to be single, how to date, who to love, how to love and on and on. It is no secret dear ones that the world gets it wrong. All of that worldly noise can contaminate your heart and mind. When you seek advice and knowledge from man and his ways, you can lose your saltiness. To retain that saltiness you must preserve God’s Word.

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” Psalm 119:11 (NIV)

Preserve God’s way of doing things. Filter every piece of advice through His Word. It is good to seek wise counsel but align everything with what God says about you. If you are seeking God, hiding His Word in your heart then He will direct your path. Maybe the “Am I in Love?” quiz is fun, but is it getting you to where you need to be?  The song with a good beat that makes you want to dance, are the lyrics filling your heart with God things? The way you are spending your time, either alone or with another, is it keeping you salty? And by salty, I mean pure and full of flavor, seasoning those you influence with the gospel.

It can be easy to fall into the pattern of the world and follow its lead but as daughters of God you are called to be salt and light. You are called to preserve God’s Word and season everything with the taste of the gospel. You are called to be a light shining bright on a hill. It can be hard to stand on a hill and shine your light but you are not alone in it.

“You are a light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)

Post by: Jimmie Lee DiIanni

Ladies, be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 of Jimmie Lee's series "All the Single Ladies", coming in early November!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reflecting on Ruth

Am I the only one, who, when I read Ruth 1:16, immediately in my mind flashes to a scene from the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” when Mama Threadegood opens an envelope, unfolds a piece of paper  and says to Idgie, “This is from the Bible, it's from the Book of Ruth. And Ruth said: "Whither thou goest, I will go. Where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people."  Ladies, I think I have said this before but I suspect my knowledge of early ‘90’s chick flicks is the reason I cannot do algebra.  There just isn’t enough room in my brain.  But I digress…  I remember watching that part of the movie and wondering, just what in the world the book of Ruth in the Bible was all about?!  It wasn’t until years later that I actually read through it, studied it, and LOVED it!

Quite a few people tell me that they think the Bible is boring or that it intimidates them.  But you guys, there are some really riveting stories in the Bible! From Esther to Rahab, Abigail to Ruth (and so many more!) God used these women in impossible situations in awesome ways! So today, I want to tell you about one of my most favorite women of the Bible, Ruth.

The story of Ruth begins with Naomi actually.  Naomi is Ruth’s mother-in-law but we will get to that part in a second.  Naomi’s husband decides that since there is a famine going on, it would be best for them to pack up and move from Bethlehem to Moab.

So Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, move with their two sons to a new town.  A place that does not worship the one, true God.  But, tragedy strikes! Elimelech dies.  Not good.  However, Naomi’s two sons both married Moabite women.  Naomi had two new daughters-in-law, Orpah (which I always read as Oprah, lol!) and Ruth.   Sadly though, ten years later both of Naomi’s sons die as well, leaving their wives childless.

Ladies, this is really, really not good.  Not only are Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah grieving but they are in dire straits.  First of all, back then widows were usually ignored.  Second, they had no income.  Zip.  Nada. Zilch.  They were broker than broke.  There was too much month at the end of their money.  You get the picture ; )

Naomi heard that the famine was over in Bethlehem and decides to make the arduous task of traveling back to her homeland with her daughters-in-law.  Now, don’t even think this was some kind of fun road trip. This was a dangerous and difficult journey.  And I have a feeling, the gravity of the situation hits Naomi and her daughters-in-law as they start out on the road. 

Naomi decides to urge Ruth and Orpah to go back home to their families in Moab.  Both women protest.  But Naomi explains to both of them, while this situation is bad, they can go back home to their families and start over.  Naomi, though, has no one in Moab.  She must make the trip to Bethlehem to at least see if there is anyone remaining from her family who could possibly help her.

Both of Naomi’s daughters-in-law put up a fight.  Through her tears though, Orpah says goodbye to Naomi and Ruth and heads back to Moab.  But Ruth clings tightly to Naomi.  So let’s think about this picture for just a second.  It is a dire situation.  Naomi gives both ladies a “way out” and the opportunity to go home to their family.  Orpah tearfully exits.  Ruth tearfully remains.  Ladies, I love this about Ruth!  Despite all of the unknowns, she was willing to accompany Naomi and ultimately care for her. This is where the verse Ruth 1:16 comes up.  Ruth makes her decision fully known and she is not backing down a bit“But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16 (NIV)

Wow.  I am guessing that Naomi was probably floored.  Ruth must have been absolutely stoic in her resolve because Naomi realizes how determined Ruth is to accompany her and agrees to let Ruth make the journey with her.  Thus, the road trip is back on and wouldn’t you know?! They arrive in Bethlehem right as the barley harvest is beginning.  Isn’t God’s timing amazing?!

Now, I just want to go back and touch on something.  Ruth was brave.  She was declaring that she was leaving her (godless) town, her family, all she had ever known, to go with Naomi. Essentially, she was trusting in a God she had only learned of by Naomi! First, I believe this speaks volumes about what Naomi must have told Ruth about God or displayed to her as Naomi lived out her faith each day.  Second, Ruth was making a deep commitment to her mother-in-law.  She was moving to a town that was probably not going to welcome her with open arms because she was a Moabitess.  I can just imagine the talk around the well now, “Oh girl, did you see Naomi’s daughter-in-law?! She is from MOAB!”

Ruth and Naomi have arrived in Bethlehem but they need to eat.  Ruth takes the initiative (which again, I love!) and asks Naomi for her permission to glean some barley from the fields.  Basically Ruth was going to pick up any grain that had been left behind from the harvesters.  Yet again, another quality I adore about Ruth, she is not afraid of hard work.  And you know what, when Ruth was out in the fields, God provided for her and Naomi in a big way.

While gleaning, Ruth just so happened to be in the right field at the right time.  Don’t you just love how God works all things out for good?! “And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech.” Ruth 2:3 (NLT)

This was a big deal!  When Ruth met Boaz, he showed her respect and kindness that went far above the norm of that day.  And when Boaz realized that Ruth was the Moabite woman who was Naomi’s faithful daughter-in-law, he was exceedingly generous and protective of her.  An admirable quality of Ruth is that after a while in Bethlehem, she was known not as the outsider, but as a woman who was loyal to Naomi.  No matter what difficulties Ruth faced, her character never changed.

When Ruth goes home to Naomi, loaded down with grain and a doggy-bag from dinner, Naomi asks her just who was so generous to her.  Ruth tells Naomi of Boaz and all he did for her. Naomi is super excited to hear Ruth’s news and is even more excited to share with Ruth that Boaz is actually a kinsman-redeemer.  Long story short, Boaz was a relative that could take on the responsibility of marrying Ruth, since they were in the same family and according to the custom back then, would give her the opportunity to have a son and thus be able to carry on the name of her deceased husband.  So pretty much, the knight saving the damsel (and her MIL) in distress!

As the harvesting season comes to an end, Naomi instructs Ruth on what she needs to do to let Boaz know she’s interested in him taking on the role of kinsman-redeemer.  When I first read about what Ruth tells Naomi to do in the third chapter in the book of Ruth, I was dumbfounded.  Basically Naomi tells Ruth to get all gussied up and go to the threshing floor at night, where Boaz will be, and go lay at his feet.  Say what?! Back then though, it was the custom for servants to lay at the feet of their master, not something unvirtuous.  So really this was Ruth’s way of letting Boaz know if he was up for it, she wanted him to be her kinsman-redeemer. Ruth took the advice of Naomi (great trait alert – listening to the advice of an elder!) and follows her instructions to a “t”.  

So what happened next?!  Well, dear readers, I am leaving you with a CHALLENGE!  I challenge you to read the rest of the story : )  Don’t you just love cliffhangers?!  Seriously though, I want to encourage you to read the story of Ruth and glean for yourself (Ha! Glean! See what I did there?!) all you can from her amazing story. It is an awesome account of how God brings blessings out of tragedy!

Happy reading ladies!  

Post by: Marcy Gates

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Woman Like Esther...

Okay, I will admit, I am a woman who struggles with submission. There, I said it. Don’t get me wrong, I am no rebel but I do tend think that I “know best”.  I used to think that I didn’t struggle with control issues because I wasn’t what the world would call a Type ‘A’ personality. The longer I am on this journey though the more I see those moments when I really want to be in control! I often try to handle things on my own without giving it to God, because I am an independent woman and all.  Can you relate? 

So when I think about my struggle to submit, I look to Esther. Her story is one of my favorites because she is a marvel to me. Esther was a women who so completely trusted in God that she knew, and I mean really knew her purpose. She couldn’t see the outcome but her faith through wisdom, patience and submission proved she was confident in her purpose. The key here is, she knew God and she stood on His promises. I strive to be a woman like Esther. A woman of beauty, quiet confidence, and life changing submission. 

You see, it’s not like Esther “had the life”. Her parents died when she was young and she was raised by her uncle, Mordecai. When Esther was thrown into what most would think is “the life” she remained steadfast in her faith. She nearly had the kingdom at her finger tips and she didn’t take her position for granted. 

When Esther is preparing herself to be introduced to the King, she has the opportunity to adorn herself with all the jewelry she wanted. Instead Esther chooses wisdom and only takes what Hegai (the King’s eunuch in charge of the harem) had advised. This stands out to me as an act of obedience in fulfilling her purpose. How often do I clothe myself with all the things just to impress... who? In this instance and throughout Esther’s story I ask myself, “Would I have chosen the same? 

Separated from everything familiar and faced with a new culture Esther continues to rely on what she knows. She doesn’t change or waiver. This remains true even when it comes down to the nitty gritty. Esther keeps choosing obedience out of a steadfast faith. 

"For if you remain silent at his time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 (ESV) 

God’s name is not mentioned in the book of Esther but in reality His name is written all over it. Another reason to marvel at Esther’s story. It is also how I can identify with her. I read her story and I see my own. I see God orchestrating and working in her life to bring freedom and redemption. Esther doesn’t see the end result, but God does and she continues to trust what she knows of Him. He does the same for me and for you. God is always working in our lives. He places us in our work environments, our homes, churches, schools, etc. to accomplish His purpose. I believe we must ask ourselves what Mordecai asks Esther, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 

And so I want to be a woman like Esther. A woman of steadfast faith, radical submission and quiet confidence. I want to be a woman who stands in the beauty that God has charged me with. A woman who hears His voice, knows His promises and trusts in His faithfulness. 

Post by: Jimmie Lee DiIanni

Monday, August 17, 2015

Leaving a Legacy

She was 98.  A long lifetime, by any measure.  Unfortunately, it was no surprise to us when my husband’s grandmother passed away a few weeks ago.  We knew that she had not been doing well in recent weeks.  We got the news of her death as we were packing for our vacation.  Our vacation destination was to be the very place where she had made her home and raised a family, even helped to found a church.

I really hadn’t known Grandma Gates as well as I would have liked. I met her a few years before she left the Bedford area to live with my husband’s aunt and uncle in York, PA. But the times that I did get to spend with her, they always stick out in my memory.  I remember a joyful lady.  She made others laugh and smile.  She would always tell me that her name, Olga, meant “holy”.  Now who can forget a name like that?! And of course, I heard all of my husband’s wonderful memories of her!

My husband told me of what a great cook she was.  He reminisced about fun summers spent at her house and strawberry picking in the field behind her home.  He told me of her hard working nature, how she took on the tough job of waitressing at some of Breezewood’s most popular restaurants.  He shared with me how his Grandma and Grandpa Gates were founding members of the church my in-laws attend to this very day.

At her funeral, I was struck by how evident her love for Jesus was.  Her faith in God was the cornerstone of her legacy.  There was no doubt about where her heart stood.  I sat in the pew and listened to the lovely words each person had to say.  It dawned on me that each and every person mentioned her deep faith. She loved Jesus and everyone who ever came into contact with her knew it.

As we ended the day with a good, old fashioned meal in the church’s fellowship hall (Oh the ham, the side dishes, the DESSERTS!) all I could think was what a wonderful legacy Grandma Gates had left behind.  She lived out her faith each and every day.  Singing “Jesus Loves Me” until her last days.  And I thought to myself, “Lord, I want that to be me.  I want to be remembered for how much I loved Jesus.”

No matter what curveballs life threw her way, Grandma Gates remained steady in her faith.  She passed it down from generation to generation.  And that is my prayer today, “Lord, let that also be my legacy as well…”

“I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.” 2 Timothy 1:5 (NLT)

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…” – Anna Bartlett Warner

Post by: Marcy Gates