
Monday, May 26, 2014

Seed Planting

My daughters and I were planting flower seeds in the flower beds around our house last week.  I had selected with great care which seeds I wanted planted where.  Some of the flowers I picked out do well in full sun while others need a nice shady spot.

I got all my tools ready.  Shovel, gardening gloves (ew, dirt!), ruler, and seed packets. I didn’t necessarily announce to my kiddos I was planting the flower seeds. Sometimes there are jobs that you just don’t declare a need for help for, like putting away fine china or boxing up the ornaments from the Christmas tree.

I set out carefully measuring the depth of the little hole in which I placed my seed.  Then, gently covered the hole and measured the distance recommended on the packet of where to place the next seed. I got one packet done before my girlies came over and threw a monkey wrench into my carefully crafted seed planting operation.  They spotted me and came running over to see what I was up to.

Immediately they hovered over me, each one begging to help.  Of course, I obliged.  I showed them how to dig the little hole and place the seed in it, just one seed, and cover it with some dirt.  I gave them some seeds to hold in their hands and they set out on their mission.

The girls started out fine.  Just one tiny seed in one little hole.  Then the wind blew and seeds went everywhere. Two minutes later after they all got new handfuls of seeds, all three of my girls dumped ALL the seeds in their hands into ONE hole and covered it up before I could say boo!

I was about to complain. After all, the wind just blew a bunch of seeds all over so I knew I would have different flowers sprouting up all over the place. Then for a split second I thought about digging up the dirt to try to recover the seeds.  But, I didn’t. I realized that even that pile of seeds somewhere below the dirt was going to turn in to something beautiful.  You know why? Because in all things God works for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)

The seed planting adventure reminded me that in our lives, God can take any and all circumstances, be it properly planted seeds or not so properly planted seeds, and make it in to something good.  He does that with our past when we “thought” we knew what we were doing but we never stopped to ask God for his direction or will for us.  Those mistakes we made long ago, that we still beat ourselves up over; can become something beautiful in your life. God can take ALL things, the good, the bad, the mediocre, the regretful, and the things you had no control over.  It doesn’t say just the things you prayed about or just the things you feel confident about.   No, it says all things.  And I am pretty sure with God, we can’t begin to comprehend what “all” is for Him!  “All things” could include those bad choices you made yesterday, last month, and ten years ago that you probably have long forgotten about! 

So I am looking forward to seeing the colorful flower beds that God creates in the soil around my house this summer.  I know when I see the flowers begin to spout in the flower bed that my girls worked on; there will be something good growing there!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV)

We are always here for you, please email with questions or prayer requests.  We love you!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mentors & Friends

The lovely ladies participating in our Titus 2 Ministry are preparing to wrap up their sessions for the year.  A wonderful team of mentors have come along side a group of delightful ladies in their individual walk with Christ.  Throughout this past year, the mentors have been a part of the lives of the women.  They encouraged them, prayed with them, taught them, and most importantly, loved them.   Soon they will be celebrating the end of this incredible season in all of their lives.

These ladies were not brought to together by accident.  The friendships and bonds that have been formed did not occur by chance.  The Lord knew exactly what He was doing by joining each mentor with their “mentoree”.  When I think about the friendships that have been formed, I think of an awesome quote from Stasi Eldredge’s book, “Captivating”…

“When God gives a friend, he is entrusting us with the care of another’s heart.”

Take a moment and think about the women who have made a positive impact on you.  They were not in your life by coincidence, but blessings from God at just the right time in your life.  Not only did God trust you with caring for their hearts but He trusted them with caring for yours. Mentors and friends are treasured gifts.  Their wisdom, insight, support, and love are invaluable. 

I can recall so many instances in my life when God placed a friend or mentor in my path at just the right time.  Whether it was when I was new to my faith and needed guidance, when I was a new mom with a million questions, or just trying not to burn a frying pan full of bacon! (Thank you, Grandma Radi, the height of the flame under the pan DOES make a difference, ha!)

I encourage you today to not only thank the Lord for these people in your life but to let those people know how you feel about them as well! So be sure you call, drop a note in the mail, or meet that special someone for coffee today. I’m pretty sure they would love to hear from you!

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” Titus 2:3-5 (NIV)

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT)

Please email with questions, prayers, or if you would be interested in participating in the next session of the Titus 2 Ministry.  We love you ladies and are here for you!