Monday, October 21, 2013

Speak His Name

Have you ever had “one of those” days? A day when nothing went right, you couldn’t catch a break.  You were tired, frustrated, scared, or all the above at the same time? 

I am a mom of three daughters.  My first and second daughters, Amanda and Megan, are only 15 months apart.  Bringing home a new baby is always a stressful time but when you have a little one at home already, who still is somewhat a baby herself, it is really trying. 

My second daughter, Megan, was born in the middle of a frosty January.  My husband was super busy with work.   He could not possibly take any more time off other than the three days I was in the hospital.  In fact, the very day after we came home from the hospital with our new baby girl, he was back to work. My husband works hard for our family but that means for us, he works long, late hours. 

Both my mom and my mother-in-law came to help for a couple weeks as moms/grandmas like to do when new babies arrive.  After that though, it was just me, Amanda, Megan and the dog at home.  That winter was very cold and snowy. We never left the house.  I was exhausted, stressed and lonely.  To add to my situation, Megan had colic.

Colic is a scary term for parents of newborns.  Did you have a baby with colic? If not, pray you never do.  Pray no one you know ever does either!  It happens to babies around three weeks of age and can last through six months of age.  The babies can’t tolerate formula well so they cry. A LOT! Sometimes the babies need a special formula to help their stomachs feel better.  Of course that special formula is also the most expensive formula! That was the case with our little Megan.  Her special formula cost $50 for a small tub and while she was able to tolerate it better than the regular stuff, it did not eliminate the crying.

Megan cried constantly.  We rarely could put her down.  She hated the bouncy seat, crib, and pack n’ play.  I tried everything I could think of to get her to calm down and sleep without me holding her the entire time.  Nothing seemed to work though.  If I wanted this baby to sleep, I had to hold her.

One day was particularly rough.  I was super tired.  My husband was at work and wasn’t going to be home till late that evening.  Amanda was really cranky that day and giving me grief like only a toddler can.  Plus, poor Megan was fussing.  She would not let me put her down for more than 5 minutes at a time.  My day was going from bad to worse.

Dinner time was drawing near.  I had planned on making a meal that required a bit of cooking on my part.  I had not planned on doing it while holding my little baby and trying to keep her older sister happy all at the same time.  I was starting to panic.  What am I going to do? I can’t cook this meal! There was no extra money to just order a pizza.  Even if I had the money, I can’t drag everyone out in the middle of a cold, snowy evening to hit the drive-through. I was stuck.  Then the dog needed to go out.  Amanda was getting hungry and irritable.  Megan had moved from fussiness to a full on wail.  I was at my wit’s end.  I stood in my kitchen, pots waiting for ingredients on the stove, baby screaming, toddler tugging at me, and I cried.  I felt so alone. 

As the tears flowed from my eyes, I prayed.  “Dear Jesus, please help me.  I’m all alone.  I need you.” I closed my eyes and it was if everything around me had melted away.  I suddenly felt calm and at peace.  I felt like someone was giving me a hug.

I don’t really remember the rest of that evening.  Somehow, dinner made it to the table.  Amanda cheered up and Megan calmed down a bit.  I do know that I didn’t feel alone anymore.  I had a sense of peace and calm that I so desperately needed that day.

It is important to remember that Jesus is with us.  Talk to Jesus! Turn your focus from yourself and place it on Him.  When you don’t know what to do, ask for help from the One who knows everything!

When you are having a rough day, speak Jesus’s name.  When you are scared, speak Jesus’s name.  When you don’t know where to turn or how to proceed, speak Jesus’s name.  He wants to surround you with his presence.  He wants to calm you with his peace. He wants to fill your heart with his love.  Look to him.  Invite him in to the situation.  Let Him rule in your life.  You will never regret it.

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”  Isaiah 41:13 NIV


Monday, October 7, 2013

West Ridge Women - Spotlight

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Gloria Lattanzio!  Gloria and her husband, Tom reside in the home he built for their family in Clinton, Beaver County.  They are parents to three grown daughters, Maria, Angela, and Laura.  They are also grandparents to five grandchildren ranging in age from five to eighteen months. At West Ridge, Gloria is leading the Titus 2 Ministry in addition to teaching in the Children’s Ministry part-time.

Gloria’s testimony involves some twists and turns and a few stints in different churches.  Growing up, Gloria was exposed church but did not attend it regularly.  Even though she and Tom married in the church, she felt no real connection to it. “I just knew in my heart I could talk to God myself.” Gloria said.  It was not until 1978, after her husband Tom, gave his life to Christ, did Gloria decide to accept Jesus as her Savior as well.  Thirty-four years later, Gloria is happy to call West Ridge as her church home.

Currently, Gloria is hard at work putting the finishing touches on the Titus 2 Ministry and is excited to see it begin on October 9th.  “My greatest challenge was getting this ministry off the ground.  I wondered what do young women really need in their life right now. What did I need when I was a young Christian? My life verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”  Gloria stressed, “You can’t go through the whole day without having Christ first in your life.”

Inspired by many women who have mentored her over the years, Gloria is looking forward to beginning this new ministry and sharing with the younger ladies, “I have a heart for mothers, especially young women who are new Christians.” Gloria pointed out that a mentor is sometimes more than one person. It can be a group of people who are in your life for a long time or just a season.  Gloria lovingly recalls how her mother-in-law and older women from her previous church families helped to mentor her when she was new in her faith.  She also emphasized that we can have Christ as our mentor as well.

The goals of the new ministry will include pointing women to Christ as their mentor, figuring out who they are in Christ and understanding it, how to become a prayer warrior, and how to really study God’s Word. Gloria is hopeful that the ladies being mentored will take all of this knowledge and try new and different things, “I want them to take what they have learned and try what God has for their life.”

There are three other mentors who will be mentoring the younger ladies alongside Gloria. The mentors will take two or three women each and work with them.  They will be calling those they are mentoring and checking in with them, in addition to their monthly meetings.  They will also be keeping prayer journals. It will be a great commitment of time and energy but Gloria believes there will be lasting rewards, “One of our goals is that the women who are being mentored in this program, will then in turn, become mentors themselves to other ladies.”

Now it’s time to get to know Gloria, a bit better… It’s time for the Super Six Questions!

1.      Are you a morning person or night owl? Morning person! I’m usually up by 6:30.  I like to have my “quiet time” in the mornings.

2.      What was the last book you read? “Eat Your Green Peas” by Cheryl Karpen

3.      What is your favorite way to relax? Turning off the phone and spending time with my husband and family.

4.      What would you have for the perfect meal? Salmon, a vegetable, and salad

5.      What is your favorite Scripture to meditate on in times of stress? As I said earlier, Philippians 4:13 is my life verse. When I am stressed I have to be in Christ so I can hear Him!

6.      What is your favorite thing about West Ridge? I love the teaching that Pastor John does but I also love the people!  We have people there who love the Lord. It is exciting to see the new people coming in as well.  It’s also the people I work with in the Children’s Ministry and the children I teach.  It is like having family there.

If you are interested in learning more about the Titus 2 Ministry or have questions, please feel free to email Gloria at: